HelixToolkit.Wpf Provides an anaglyph blending effect. Usage: 1. Add the effect to the LEFT EYE UIElement. 2. Set RightInput to a VisualBrush of the RIGHT EYE UIElement. See the AnaglyphView3D for an example. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The effect file. This property is mapped to the offset variable within the pixel shader. The shader. This property is mapped to the method variable within the pixel shader. Initializes static members of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the left input brush. The left input. Gets or sets the anaglyph method. The method. Gets or sets the horizontal offset. Gets or sets the right input brush. The right input. Gets or sets the shader method. The anaglyph method changed. The d. The event arguments. Anaglyph method type. True anaglyph. Dark image No color reproduction Little ghosting Grayscale anaglyph. No color reproduction More ghosting than true anaglyphs Color anaglyph. Partial color reproduction Retinal rivalry Half-color anaglyph. Partial color reproduction (but not as good as color anaglyphs) Less retinal rivalry than color anaglyphs Optimized anaglyph. Partial color reproduction (but not of red shades) Almost no retinal rivalry Dubois anaglyph. Provides an interlaced blending effect. Usage: 1. Add the effect to the LEFT EYE UIElement. 2. Set RightInput to a VisualBrush of the RIGHT EYE UIElement. See the InterlacedView3D for an example. Identifies the dependency property. Brush-valued properties turn into sampler-property in the shader. This helper sets "ImplicitInput" as the default, meaning the default sampler is whatever the rendering of the element it's being applied to is. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Brush-valued properties turn into sampler-property in the shader. This helper sets "ImplicitInput" as the default, meaning the default sampler is whatever the rendering of the element it's being applied to is. The effect file. This property is mapped to the offset variable within the pixel shader. The shader. This property is mapped to the method variable within the pixel shader. Initializes static members of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the left input brush. The left input. Gets or sets a value indicating whether even lines should be for the left or right view. True if even lines should show the left view, false otherwise. Gets or sets the horizontal offset. Gets or sets the right input brush. The right input. Gets or sets the shader method. The anaglyph method changed. The d. The event arguments. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. Provides a cutting ears triangulation algorithm for simple polygons with no holes. O(n^2) Based on code References The epsilon. Triangulate a polygon using the cutting ears algorithm. The algorithm does not support holes. the polygon contour collection of triangle points Calculates the area. The contour. The area. Decide if point (Px,Py) is inside triangle defined by (Ax,Ay) (Bx,By) (Cx,Cy). The ax. The ay. The bx. The by. The cx. The cy. The px. The py. The inside triangle. The snip. The contour. The u. The v. The w. The n. The v. The snip. Box face enumeration. The top. The top. The bottom. The bottom. The left side. The left side. The right side. The right side. The front side. The front side. The back side. The back side. All sides. MeshFaces. Normal Face (3 Points). Face with 4 Points. Builds MeshGeometry3D objects. Performance tips for MeshGeometry3D (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb613553.aspx) High impact: Mesh animation—changing the individual vertices of a mesh on a per-frame basis—is not always efficient in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). To minimize the performance impact of change notifications when each vertex is modified, detach the mesh from the visual tree before performing per-vertex modification. Once the mesh has been modified, reattach it to the visual tree. Also, try to minimize the size of meshes that will be animated in this way. Medium impact: When a mesh is defined as abutting triangles with shared vertices and those vertices have the same position, normal, and texture coordinates, define each shared vertex only once and then define your triangles by index with TriangleIndices. Low impact: To minimize the construction time of large collections in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), such as a MeshGeometry3D’s Positions, Normals, TextureCoordinates, and TriangleIndices, pre-size the collections before value population. If possible, pass the collections’ constructors prepopulated data structures such as arrays or Lists. 'All curves should have the same number of points' exception message. 'Source mesh normals should not be null' exception message. 'Source mesh texture coordinates should not be null' exception message. 'Wrong number of diameters' exception message. 'Wrong number of positions' exception message. 'Wrong number of normals' exception message. 'Wrong number of texture coordinates' exception message. 'Wrong number of angles' exception message. The circle cache. The closed circle cache. The unit sphere cache. The positions. Gets the positions collection of the mesh. The positions. The triangle indices. Gets the triangle indices. The triangle indices. The normal vectors. Gets the normal vectors of the mesh. The normal vectors. The texture coordinates. Gets the texture coordinates of the mesh. The texture coordinates. The Tangents. Gets and sets the tangents of the mesh. The tangents. The Bi-Tangents. Gets and sets the bi-tangents of the mesh. The bi-tangents. Do we have Normals or not. Do we have Texture Coordinates or not. Do we have Tangents or not. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to create normal vectors. true if normal vectors should be created; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to create texture coordinates. true if texture coordinates should be created; otherwise, false. Initializes a new instance of the class. Normal and texture coordinate generation are included. Initializes a new instance of the class. Generate normal vectors. Generate texture coordinates. Generate tangents. Gets a circle section (cached). The number of division. Is the circle closed? If true, the last point will not be at the same position than the first one. A circle. Gets a circle segment section. The number of division. The angle of the circle segment. The angle-offset to use. A circle segment. Gets a unit sphere from the cache. The number of subdivisions. A unit sphere mesh. Calculate the Mesh's Normals The Positions. The TriangleIndices. The calcualted Normals. Calculate the Mesh's Tangents The Faces of the Mesh Tangent Space computation for IndexedTriangle meshes Based on: http://www.terathon.com/code/tangent.html Calculate the Tangents for a Quad. The Positions. The Normals. The TextureCoordinates. The Indices. The calculated Tangens. The calculated Bi-Tangens. Calculate the Tangents for a MeshGeometry3D. The MeshGeometry3D. Calculate the Normals and Tangents for all MeshFaces. The MeshFaces. Also calculate the Tangents or not. Adds an arrow to the mesh. The start point. The end point. The diameter of the arrow cylinder. Length of the head (relative to diameter). The number of divisions around the arrow. Adds the edges of a bounding box as cylinders. The bounding box. The diameter of the cylinders. Adds a box aligned with the X, Y and Z axes. The center point of the box. The length of the box along the X axis. The length of the box along the Y axis. The length of the box along the Z axis. Adds a box aligned with the X, Y and Z axes. The 3-D "rectangle". The faces to include. Adds a box with the specified faces, aligned with the X, Y and Z axes. The center point of the box. The length of the box along the X axis. The length of the box along the Y axis. The length of the box along the Z axis. The faces to include. Adds a box with the specified faces, aligned with the specified axes. The center point of the box. The x axis. The y axis. The length of the box along the X axis. The length of the box along the Y axis. The length of the box along the Z axis. The faces to include. Adds a (possibly truncated) cone. The origin. The direction (normalization not required). The base radius. The top radius. The height. Include a base cap if set to true . Include the top cap if set to true . The number of divisions around the cone. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cone_(geometry). Adds a cone. The origin point. The apex point. The base radius. Include a base cap if set to true . The theta div. Adds a cube face. The center of the cube. The normal vector for the face. The up vector for the face. The distance from the center of the cube to the face. The width of the face. The height of the face. Add a Cube, only with specified Faces. The Faces to create (default all Faces) Adds a cylinder to the mesh. The first point. The second point. The diameters. The number of divisions around the cylinder. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cylinder_(geometry). Adds a cylinder to the mesh. The first point. The second point. The diameters. The number of divisions around the cylinder. The first Cap. The second Cap. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cylinder_(geometry). Generate a Dodecahedron The Center of the Dodecahedron The Direction to the first Point (normalized). The Up-Dirextion (normalized, perpendicular to the forward Direction) Length of the Edges of the Dodecahedron See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodecahedron https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentagon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isosceles_triangle Adds a collection of edges as cylinders. The points. The edge indices. The diameter of the cylinders. The number of divisions around the cylinders. Adds an ellipsoid. The center of the ellipsoid. The x radius of the ellipsoid. The y radius of the ellipsoid. The z radius of the ellipsoid. The number of divisions around the ellipsoid. The number of divisions from top to bottom of the ellipsoid. Adds an extruded surface of the specified curve. The 2D points describing the curve to extrude. The x-axis. The start origin of the extruded surface. The end origin of the extruded surface. The y-axis is determined by the cross product between the specified x-axis and the p1-origin vector. Add a Face in positive Z-Direction. Add a Face in negative Z-Direction. Add a Face in positive X-Direction. Add a Face in negative X-Direction. Add a Face in positive Y-Direction. Add a Face in negative Y-Direction. Adds an extruded surface of the specified line segments. The 2D points describing the line segments to extrude. The number of points must be even. The x-axis. The start origin of the extruded surface. The end origin of the extruded surface. The y-axis is determined by the cross product between the specified x-axis and the p1-origin vector. Adds a lofted surface. List of lofting sections. The normal list. The texture coordinate list. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loft_(3D). Adds a single node. The position. The normal. The texture coordinate. Adds an octahedron. The center. The normal vector. The up vector. Length of the side. The half height of the octahedron. See Octahedron. Adds a (possibly hollow) pipe. The start point. The end point. The inner diameter. The outer diameter. The number of divisions around the pipe. Adds a collection of edges as cylinders. The points. The edge indices. The diameter of the cylinders. The number of divisions around the cylinders. Adds a polygon. The 2D points defining the polygon. The x axis. The y axis. The origin. Adds a polygon. The points of the polygon. If the number of points is greater than 4, a triangle fan is used. Adds a polygon specified by vertex index (uses a triangle fan). The vertex indices. Adds a polygon defined by vertex indices (uses the cutting ears algorithm). The vertex indices. Adds a polygon defined by vertex indices (uses the sweep line algorithm). The vertex indices. Adds a pyramid. The center. Length of the sides of the pyramid. The height of the pyramid. Add triangles to the base of the pyramid or not. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyramid_(geometry). Adds a pyramid. The center. The normal vector (normalized). The 'up' vector (normalized). Length of the sides of the pyramid. The height of the pyramid. Add triangles to the base of the pyramid or not. Adds a quad (exactely 4 indices) The vertex indices. Adds a quadrilateral polygon. The first point. The second point. The third point. The fourth point. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadrilateral. Adds a quadrilateral polygon. The first point. The second point. The third point. The fourth point. The first texture coordinate. The second texture coordinate. The third texture coordinate. The fourth texture coordinate. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadrilateral. Adds a list of quadrilateral polygons. The points. The normal vectors. The texture coordinates. Adds a rectangular mesh (m x n points). The one-dimensional array of points. The points are stored row-by-row. The number of columns in the rectangular mesh. Adds a rectangular mesh defined by a two-dimensional array of points. The points. The texture coordinates (optional). set to true if the mesh is closed in the first dimension. set to true if the mesh is closed in the second dimension. Adds a rectangular mesh (m x n points). The one-dimensional array of points. The points are stored row-by-row. The number of columns in the rectangular mesh. Flip the Triangles. Generates a rectangles mesh on the axis-aligned plane given by the box-face. Box face which determines the plane the grid lies on. width of the grid, i.e. horizontal resolution height of the grid, i.e. vertical resolution total size in horizontal total vertical size flips the triangle faces flips the u-axis (horizontal) of the texture coords. flips the v-axis (vertical) of the tex.coords. Adds normal vectors for a rectangular mesh. The index 0. The number of rows. The number of columns. Adds texture coordinates for a rectangular mesh. The number of rows. The number of columns. Flip the Rows. Flip the Columns. Add triangle indices for a rectangular mesh. The index offset. The number of rows. The number of columns. set the flag to true to create a sphere mesh (triangles at top and bottom). Adds triangular indices for a rectangular mesh. The index 0. The rows. The columns. True if rows are closed. True if columns are closed. Add triangle indices for a rectangular mesh with flipped triangles. The index offset. The number of rows. The number of columns. set the flag to true to create a sphere mesh (triangles at top and bottom). Adds a regular icosahedron. The center. The radius. Share vertices if set to true . See Wikipedia and link. Adds a surface of revolution. The points (x coordinates are distance from the origin along the axis of revolution, y coordinates are radius, ) The v texture coordinates, one for each point in the list. The origin of the revolution axis. The direction of the revolution axis. The number of divisions around the mesh. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surface_of_revolution. Adds a sphere. The center of the sphere. The radius of the sphere. The number of divisions around the sphere. The number of divisions from top to bottom of the sphere. Adds a sphere (by subdividing a regular icosahedron). The center of the sphere. The radius of the sphere. The number of triangular subdivisions of the original icosahedron. See link. Adds a surface of revolution. The origin. The axis. The points defining the curve to revolve. The indices of the line segments of the section. The number of divisions. The texture values. Add a tetrahedron. The Center of Mass. Direction to first Base-Point (in Base-Plane). Up Vector. The Sidelength. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrahedron and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equilateral_triangle. Adds a torus. The diameter of the torus. The diameter of the torus "tube". The number of subdivisions around the torus. The number of subdividions of the torus' "tube. Adds a triangle (exactely 3 indices) The vertex indices. Adds a triangle. The first point. The second point. The third point. Adds a triangle. The first point. The second point. The third point. The first texture coordinate. The second texture coordinate. The third texture coordinate. Adds a triangle fan. The vertex indices of the triangle fan. Adds a triangle fan to the mesh The points of the triangle fan. The normal vectors of the triangle fan. The texture coordinates of the triangle fan. Adds a list of triangles. The points (the number of points must be a multiple of 3). The normal vectors (corresponding to the points). The texture coordinates (corresponding to the points). Adds a triangle strip to the mesh. The points of the triangle strip. The normal vectors of the triangle strip. The texture coordinates of the triangle strip. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle_strip. Adds a tube. A list of points defining the centers of the tube. The texture coordinate X-values. The diameters. The number of divisions around the tube. Set to true if the tube path is closed. Create a front Cap or not. Create a back Cap or not. Adds a tube. A list of points defining the centers of the tube. The diameter of the tube. The number of divisions around the tube. Set to true if the tube path is closed. Generate front Cap. Generate back Cap. Adds a tube with a custom section. A list of points defining the centers of the tube. The texture coordinate X values (optional). The diameters (optional). The section to extrude along the tube path. If the tube is closed set to true . if set to true [is section closed]. Create a front Cap or not. Create a back Cap or not. Adds a tube with a custom section. A list of points defining the centers of the tube. The rotation of the section as it moves along the path The texture coordinate X values (optional). The diameters (optional). The section to extrude along the tube path. The initial alignment of the x-axis of the section into the 3D viewport If the tube is closed set to true . if set to true [is section closed]. Create a front Cap or not. Create a back Cap or not. Appends the specified mesh. The mesh. Appends the specified mesh. The mesh. Appends the specified points and triangles. The points to append. The triangle indices to append. The normal vectors to append. The texture coordinates to append. Chamfers the specified corner (experimental code). The corner point. The chamfer distance. The corner search limit distance. If this parameter is provided, the collection will be filled with the generated chamfer points. Checks the performance limits. See MSDN. Try to keep mesh sizes under these limits: Positions : 20,001 point instances TriangleIndices : 60,003 integer instances Finds the average normal to the specified corner (experimental code). The corner point. The corner search limit distance. The normal. Makes sure no triangles share the same vertex. Scales the positions (and normal vectors). The X scale factor. The Y scale factor. The Z scale factor. Subdivides each triangle into four sub-triangles. Subdivides each triangle into six triangles. Adds a vertex at the midpoint of each triangle. See wikipedia. Performs a linear subdivision of the mesh. Add a vertex in the center if set to true . Converts the geometry to a . freeze the mesh if set to true . A mesh geometry. Provides helper methods for mesh geometries. Calculates the normal vectors. The mesh. Collection of normal vectors. Calculates the normal vectors. The positions. The triangle indices. Collection of normal vectors. Finds edges that are only connected to one triangle. A mesh geometry. The edge indices for the edges that are only used by one triangle. Finds all edges in the mesh (each edge is only included once). A mesh geometry. The edge indices (minimum index first). Finds all edges where the angle between adjacent triangle normal vectors. is larger than minimumAngle A mesh geometry. The minimum angle between the normal vectors of two adjacent triangles (degrees). The edge indices. Creates a new mesh where no vertices are shared. The input mesh. A new mesh. Simplifies the specified mesh. The mesh. The tolerance. A simplified mesh. Validates the specified mesh. The mesh. Validation report or null if no issues were found. Cuts the mesh with the specified plane. The mesh. The plane origin. The plane normal. The . Gets the contour segments. The mesh. The plane origin. The plane normal. The segments of the contour. Combines the segments. The segments. The tolerance. Enumerated connected contour curves. Create a 64-bit key from two 32-bit indices The i 0. The i 1. The create key. Extract two 32-bit indices from the 64-bit key The key. The i 0. The i 1. Finds the nearest connected segment to the specified point. The segments. The point. The tolerance. The index of the nearest point. Remove isolated(not connected to any triangles) vertices Remove isolated(not connected to any triangles) vertices Fast-Quadric-Mesh-Simplification, port from https://github.com/sp4cerat/Fast-Quadric-Mesh-Simplification Mesh Simplification using Fast-Quadric-Mesh-Simplification Target Number of Triangles sharpness to increase the threshold, 5->8 are usually good, more iteration yields higher quality Represents a 2D polygon. The points. Gets or sets the points. The points. Triangulate the polygon by using the sweep line algorithm An index collection. Represents a 3D polygon. The points. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The PTS. Gets or sets the points. The points. Flattens this polygon. The 2D polygon. Gets the normal of the polygon. The normal. Determines whether this polygon is planar. The is planar. Functions for the Shared Projects to simplify the Code Lengthes the squared. The vector. Triangulate a simple Polygon with the Sweep-Line Algorithm Based on http://www.cs.uu.nl/docs/vakken/ga/slides3.pdf References https://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~suri/cs235/Triangulation.pdf Range Extension when searching for the Helper and Edge Perform the Triangulation of the Input. The Input Polygon The Input Polygon List of Indices representing the Triangulation of the Polygon Triangulate the y-Monotone Polygons. The y-Monotone Polygon to triangle Index-List of Polygon Points (Indices from the original Polygon) Calculate the Diagonals to add inside the Polygon. The Events in sorted Form True in the first Stage (sweeping down), false in the following Stages (sweeping up) Split Polygon into subpolagons using the calculated Diagonals The Base-Polygon The Split-Diagonals List of Subpolygons For a Point, last used Edge and possible Edges, retrieve the best next Edge The current Point The last used Edge The possible next Edges Best next Edge Calculates the Orientation of a Polygon by usings it's (double-) Area as an Indicator. The Polygon. True if the Polygon is present in a CCW manner. Enumeration of PolygonPoint - Classes Helper Class that is used in the calculation Process of the Diagonals. List of StatusHelperElements that are currently present at the Sweeper's Position Default Constructor Adds a StatusHelperElement to the List Removes all StatusHelperElements with a specific Edge Searches the nearest StatusHelperElement from the given Point The Point to search a StatusHelperElement for The nearest StatusHelperElement that is positioned left of the Poin Helper Class that is used in the calculation Process of the Diagonals. The Edge of the StatusHelperElement The Helper of the Edge is a Polygon Point Factor used for x-Value Calculation Accessor for the Factor Used to early-skip the Search for the right Status and Helper Constructor taking an Edge and a Helper The Edge of the StatusHelperElement The Helper for the Edge of the StatusHelperElement Helper Class for the PolygonData Object. The actual Point of this PolygonPoint Accessor for the Point-Data Accessor for the X-Coordinate of the Point Accessor for the Y-Coordinate of the Point The "incoming" Edge of this PolygonPoint Accessor for the incoming Edge The "outgoing" Edge of this PolygonPoint Accessor for the outgoing Edge The Index of this Point in the original Polygon that needs to be triangulated Accessor for the iriginal Point-Index The "last" neighboring Point, which is connected throught the incoming Edge The "next" neighboring Point, which is connected throught the outgoing Edge Comparison Operator, that is used to determine the Class of the PolygonPoints The first PolygonPoint The second PolygonPoint Returns true if the first PolygonPoint is smaller, compared to the second PolygonPoint, false otherwise Comparison Operator, that is used to determine the Class of the PolygonPoints The first PolygonPoint The second PolygonPoint Returns true if the first PolygonPoint is bigger, compared to the second PolygonPoint, false otherwise Constructor using a Point The Point-Data to use Detrmines the Class of the PolygonPoint, depending on the sweeping Direction The Sweeping direction, top-to-bottom if false, bottom-to-top otherwise The Class of the PolygonPoint Calculates for a Point, if it is a convex Point or not (the assumption is, that we are dealing with a CCW Polygon orientation!) Returns true, if convex, false if concave (or "reflex" Vertex) Override the ToString (for Debugging Purposes) String representing this Point Comparison of two Points, used to sort the Polygons from top to bottom (left to right) Other Point to compare to -1 if this Point is bigger, 0 if the same, 1 if smaller Helper Class for the PolygonData Object. The "starting" Point of this Edge Accessor to the Startpoint of this Edge The "ending" Point of this Edge Accessor to the Endpoint of this Edge The "last" neighboring Edge, which both share the Startpoint of this Edge The "next" neighboring Edge, which both share the Endpoint of this Edge Constructor that takes both Points of the Edge The Startpoint The Endpoint Override the ToString (for Debugging Purposes) String representing this Edge Helper Class for the Polygon-Triangulation. The List of Polygonpoints that define this Polygon Accessor to the List of PolygonPoints Are there Holes present The Holes of the Polygon Access to the Holes Number of initial Points on the Polygon Boundary Constructor that uses a List of Points and an optional List of Point-Indices The Polygon-Defining Points Optional List of Point-Indices Constructor that takes a List of PolygonPoints Calls the first Constructor by splitting the Input-Information (Points and Indices) The PolygonPoints Add Points of a Hole to the PolygonData The Points that define the Hole in the Polygon Represents errors that occurs in the Helix 3D Toolkit. Initializes a new instance of the class. The format string. The args. Provides functionality to calculate a contour slice through a 3 vertex facet.(Modified from HelixToolkit.Wpf version) See CONREC for further information. Provides the indices for the various cases. The parameter 'a' of the plane equation. The parameter 'b' of the plane equation. The parameter 'c' of the plane equation. The parameter 'd' of the plane equation. The sides. The indices. The original mesh positions. The original mesh normal vectors. The original mesh texture coordinates. The points. The normal vectors. The texture coordinates. The position count. Initializes a new instance of the class. The plane origin. The plane normal. The original mesh. The contour facet result. All of the points fall above the contour plane. Only the 0th point falls below the contour plane. The 1st and 2nd points fall below the contour plane. Only the 1st point falls below the contour plane. The 0th and 2nd points fall below the contour plane. Only the second point falls below the contour plane. The 0th and 1st points fall below the contour plane. All of the points fall below the contour plane. Create a contour slice through a 3 vertex facet. The 0th point index. The 1st point index. The 2nd point index. Any new positions that are created, when the contour plane slices through the vertex. Any new normal vectors that are created, when the contour plane slices through the vertex. Any new texture coordinates that are created, when the contour plane slices through the vertex. Triangle indices for the triangle(s) above the plane. Calculates a new point coordinate. The first point coordinate. The second point coordinate. The first side. The second side. The new coordinate. Gets the for the current facet. a facet result. Initializes the facet data and calculates the values from the specified triangle indices. The first triangle index of the facet. The second triangle index of the facet. The third triangle index of the facet. Calculates the position at the plane intersection for the side specified by two triangle indices. The first index. The second index. The interpolated position. Calculates the normal at the plane intersection for the side specified by two triangle indices. The first index. The second index. The interpolated vector. Calculates the texture coordinate at the plane intersection for the side specified by two triangle indices. The first index. The second index. The interpolated texture coordinate. Determines whether the vertex at the specified index is at the opposite side of the other two vertices. The index. true if the vertex is on its own side. Determines whether all sides of the facet are below the contour. true if all sides are below the contour. A double key dictionary. The first key type. The second key type. The value type. See http://noocyte.wordpress.com/2008/02/18/double-key-dictionary/ A Remove method was added. Gets or sets OuterDictionary. Gets or sets the value with the specified indices. Clears this dictionary. Adds the specified key. The key1. The key2. The value. Determines whether the specified dictionary contains the key. The index1. The index2. true if the specified index1 contains key; otherwise, false. Equalses the specified other. The other. The equals. Gets the enumerator. Removes the specified key. The key1. The key2. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Gets the values. The values. Represents two keys and a value. First key type. Second key type. Value type. Initializes a new instance of the class. The key1. The key2. The value. Gets or sets the key1. The key1. Gets or sets the key2. The key2. Gets or sets the value. The value. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Generates the noise map. From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8659351/2d-perlin-noise The width. The height. The result. The octaves. implements improved Perlin noise in 2D. Transcribed from http://www.siafoo.net/snippet/144?nolinenos#perlin2003 From StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8659351/2d-perlin-noise generate a new permutation. Noises the specified x. The x. The y. Extension methods for DrawingContext. Draws the arc. The dc. The brush. The pen. The start. The end. The direction. The radius X. The radius Y. Draws the arc. The dc. The brush. The pen. The position. The start angle. The end angle. The direction. The radius X. The radius Y. Draws the arc. The dc. The brush. The pen. The position. The start angle. The end angle. The radius X. The radius Y. An adorner showing a rectangle with a crosshair in the middle. This is shown when zooming a rectangle. The cross hair size. The pen. The pen 2. Initializes a new instance of the class. The adorned element. The rectangle. The color1. The color2. The thickness1. The thickness2. Size of the cross hair. Initializes a new instance of the class. The adorned element. The rectangle. The color1. The color2. The thickness1. The thickness2. Size of the cross hair. The dash style2. Gets or sets Rectangle. Called when rendering. The dc. A Target symbol adorner. This is shown in the HelixViewport3D when manipulating the camera with the mouse. Inspired by Google Earth... Initializes a new instance of the class. The adorned element. The position. Gets or sets the position. The position. Called when rendering. The drawing context. Provides a control that manipulates the camera by mouse and keyboard gestures. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The look at (target) point changed event Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The zoomed by rectangle event The camera history stack. Implemented as a linkedlist since we want to remove items at the bottom of the stack. The rendering event listener. The stacked cursors - used for restoring to original cursor The change field of view event handler. The change look at event handler. The is spinning flag. The last tick. The move speed. The pan event handler. The pan speed. The rectangle adorner. The rotation event handler. The 3D rotation point. The rotation position. The rotation speed. The 3D point to spin around. The spinning position. The spinning speed. The target adorner. The touch point in the last touch delta event The number of touch manipulators (fingers) in the last touch delta event The zoom event handler. The point to zoom around. The zoom rectangle event handler. The zoom speed. Initializes static members of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Occurs when the look at/target point changed. Occurs when the view is zoomed by rectangle. Gets the back view command. Gets the bottom view command. Gets the change field of view command. Gets the change look at command. Gets the front view command. Gets the left view command. Gets the pan command. Gets the reset camera command. Gets the right view command. Gets the rotate command. Gets the top view command. Gets the zoom command. Gets the zoom extents command. Gets the zoom rectangle command. Gets ActualCamera. Gets or sets Camera. Gets or sets CameraLookDirection. Gets or sets CameraMode. Gets or sets CameraPosition. Gets or sets CameraRotationMode. Gets or sets CameraTarget. Gets or sets CameraUpDirection. Gets or sets the change field of view cursor. The change field of view cursor. Gets or sets the default camera (used when resetting the view). The default camera. Gets or sets a value indicating whether Enabled. Gets or sets InertiaFactor. Gets or sets a value indicating whether InfiniteSpin. Gets a value indicating whether IsActive. Gets or sets a value indicating whether field of view can be changed. Gets or sets a value indicating whether inertia is enabled for the camera manipulations. true if inertia is enabled; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether move is enabled. true if move is enabled; otherwise, false . Gets or sets a value indicating whether pan is enabled. Gets or sets a value indicating whether IsRotationEnabled. Gets or sets a value indicating whether touch zoom (pinch gesture) is enabled. true if touch zoom is enabled; otherwise, false . Gets or sets a value indicating whether IsZoomEnabled. Gets or sets the sensitivity for pan by the left and right keys. The pan sensitivity. Use -1 to invert the pan direction. Gets or sets the sensitivity for rotation by the left and right keys. The rotation sensitivity. Use -1 to invert the rotation direction. Gets or sets the maximum field of view. The maximum field of view. Gets or sets the minimum field of view. The minimum field of view. Gets or sets the model up direction. Gets or sets the move sensitivity. The move sensitivity. Gets or sets the sensitivity for zoom by the page up and page down keys. The zoom sensitivity. Use -1 to invert the zoom direction. Gets or sets the pan cursor. The pan cursor. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to rotate around the mouse down point. true if rotation around the mouse down point is enabled; otherwise, false . Gets or sets a value indicating whether to rotate around a fixed point. true if rotation around a fixed point is enabled; otherwise, false . Gets or sets a value indicating the center of rotation. true if rotation around a fixed point is enabled; otherwise, false . Gets or sets the rotate cursor. The rotate cursor. Gets or sets the rotation sensitivity (degrees/pixel). The rotation sensitivity. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show a target adorner when manipulating the camera. Gets or sets the max duration of mouse drag to activate spin. If the time between mouse down and mouse up is less than this value, spin is activated. Gets or sets the sensitivity for pan by the up and down keys. The pan sensitivity. Use -1 to invert the pan direction. Gets or sets the sensitivity for rotation by the up and down keys. The rotation sensitivity. Use -1 to invert the rotation direction. Gets or sets Viewport. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to zoom around mouse down point. true if zooming around the mouse down point is enabled; otherwise, false . Gets or sets a value indicating whether to snap the mouse down point to a model. true if snapping the mouse down point is enabled; otherwise, false . Gets or sets the zoom cursor. The zoom cursor. Gets or sets the zoom rectangle cursor. The zoom rectangle cursor. Gets or sets ZoomSensitivity. Efficiency option, lower values decrease computation time for camera interaction when RotateAroundMouseDownPoint or ZoomAroundMouseDownPoint is set to true in inspect mode. Note: Will mostly save on computation time once the bounds are already calculated and cashed within the MeshGeometry3D. Gets a value indicating whether IsOrthographicCamera. Gets a value indicating whether IsPerspectiveCamera. Gets OrthographicCamera. Gets PerspectiveCamera. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [limit FPS]. true if [limit FPS]; otherwise, false. Adds the specified move force. The delta x. The delta y. The delta z. Adds the specified move force. The delta. Adds the specified pan force. The delta x. The delta y. The add pan force. The pan. The add rotate force. The delta x. The delta y. Adds the zoom force. The delta. Adds the zoom force. The delta. The zoom origin. Changes the direction of the camera. The look direction. The up direction. The animation time. Changes the direction of the camera. The look direction. The animation time. Hides the rectangle. Hides the target adorner. Change the "look-at" point. The target. The animation time. Push the current camera settings on an internal stack. Resets the camera. Resets the camera up direction. Restores the most recent camera setting from the internal stack. The restore camera setting. Shows the rectangle. The rectangle. The color 1. The color 2. Shows the target adorner. The position. Starts the spin. The speed. The position. The spin around point. Stops the spin. Updates the rectangle. The rectangle. Zooms by the specified delta value. The delta value. Zooms to the extents of the model. The animation time (milliseconds). Restores the cursor from the cursor stack. Sets the cursor and pushes the current cursor to the cursor stack. The cursor. Use to restore the cursor again. Raises the LookAtChanged event. Raises the ZoomedByRectangle event. Called when the event occurs. The data for the event. Called when the event occurs. The data for the event. Called when the event occurs. The data for the event. Invoked when an unhandled MouseDown attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. The that contains the event data. This event data reports details about the mouse button that was pressed and the handled state. Invoked when an unhandled StylusSystemGesture attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. The that contains the event data. The camera changed. The sender. The event arguments. The viewport changed. The sender. The event arguments. The back view event handler. The sender. The event arguments. The bottom view event handler. The sender. The event arguments. The camera controller_ loaded. The sender. The event arguments. Called when the CameraController is unloaded. The sender. The event arguments. Clamps the specified value between the limits. The value. The min. The max. The clamp. Finds the pan vector. The delta x. The delta y. The . The front view event handler. The sender. The event arguments. Initializes the input bindings. The left view event handler. The sender. The event arguments. The on camera changed. The rendering event handler. The sender. The event arguments. Called when a key is pressed. The sender. The instance containing the event data. Called when the mouse wheel is moved. The sender. The instance containing the event data. The on time step. The time. The on viewport changed. The refresh viewport. The reset camera event handler. The sender. The event arguments. The right view event handler. The sender. The event arguments. The stop animations. The subscribe events. The top view event handler. The sender. The event arguments. The un subscribe events. The Zoom extents event handler. The sender. The event arguments. Camera movement modes. Orbits around a point (fixed target position, move closer target when zooming). Walk around (fixed camera position, move in cameradirection when zooming). Fixed camera target, change FOV when zooming. Camera rotation modes. Turntable is constrained to two axes of rotation (model up and right direction) Turnball using three axes (look direction, right direction and up direction (on the left/right edges)). Using a virtual trackball. Represents a camera state. Initializes a new instance of the class. The camera. Gets or sets the far plane distance. Gets or sets the field of view. Gets or sets the look direction. Gets or sets the near plane distance. Gets or sets the position. Gets or sets the up direction. Gets or sets the width of an orthographic camera. Updates the camera to this state. The camera to update. Create a new CloseObjectHitTest that returns a 3D point closest to the clicked point on the camera. The maximum number of vertices a mesh may contain to exactly determine the closest vertex for it when there is no exact hit. Any mesh containing more vertices gets approximated by its bounds. Note: Will mostly save on computation time once the bounds are already calculated and cashed within the MeshGeometry3D. Returns the 3D point that the user most likely clicked on. Returns the closest intersection with a mesh, if possible. If useClosestMeshIfPossible is true it will otherwise returns the mesh vertex that is closest to the clicked 2D screen coordinate, if possible. Returns the unprojected position otherwise. Also returns the 2D point corresponding to the returned 3D point. The point in screen coordinates to calculate the closest vertices for. When true the closest vertex point to the clicked position will be used when no mesh is hit at the exact mouse cursor area. For each mesh object in the viewport, this method calculates the vertex that when mapped to 2D is closest to the given 2D point on the screen The point in screen coordinates to calculate the closest vertices for. A ClosestVertexResult containing the distance to the 2D point and the closest 3D vertex point for each geometry/model The result of a hit test where the point with the smallest 2D distance from a given point is searched. The mesh vertex closest to the searched coordinate. The 2D coordinate matching the found mesh vertex. The mesh geometry the found point belongs to. The geometry model the point belongs to. The 2D distance from the found point to the point that was searched for. Provides data for the manipulation events. Initializes a new instance of the class. The current position. Gets or sets the current position. The current position. An abstract base class for the mouse gesture handlers. Initializes a new instance of the class. The controller. Gets the origin. Gets the camera. The camera. Gets or sets the camera look direction. The camera look direction. Gets the camera mode. The camera mode. Gets or sets the camera position. The camera position. Gets the camera target. The camera target. Gets or sets the camera up direction. The camera up direction. Gets or sets the controller. Gets or sets the last point (2D screen coordinates). Gets or sets the last point (3D world coordinates). Gets or sets the manipulation watch. Gets the model up direction. The model up direction. Gets or sets the mouse down point at the nearest hit element (3D world coordinates). Gets or sets the mouse down point (2D screen coordinates). Gets or sets the mouse down point (2D screen coordinates). Gets or sets the mouse down point (3D world coordinates). Gets the rotation sensitivity. The rotation sensitivity. Gets the viewport. The viewport. Gets the height of the viewport. The height of the viewport. Gets the width of the viewport. The width of the viewport. Gets the zoom sensitivity. The zoom sensitivity. Occurs when the manipulation is completed. The instance containing the event data. Occurs when the position is changed during a manipulation. The instance containing the event data. Starts the mouse gesture handler. The sender. The event arguments. Occurs when the manipulation is started. The instance containing the event data. Un projects a point from the screen (2D) to a point on plane (3D) The 2D point. A point on the plane . The plane normal. A 3D point. Un projects a point from the screen (2D) to a point on the plane trough the camera target point. The 2D point. A 3D point. Occurs when the command associated with this handler initiates a check to determine whether the command can be executed on the command target. True if the execution can continue. Gets the cursor for the gesture. A cursor. Get the ray into the view volume given by the position in 2D (screen coordinates) A 2D point. A ray Called when inertia is starting. The elapsed time (milliseconds). Called when the mouse button is pressed down. The sender. The instance containing the event data. Handles the mouse move events. The sender. The event arguments. Handles the mouse up event. The sender. The event arguments. Calculate the screen position of a 3D point. The 3D point. The 2D point. The set mouse down point. The position. The 3D point that most closely matches the ray from the camera cast at the current mouse position. The 2D coordinate corresponding to said 3D point. This will usually coïncide with the mouse position, but may differ if there is no geometry directly under the mouse postion. Handles panning. The 3D pan origin. Initializes a new instance of the class. The controller. Occurs when the position is changed during a manipulation. The instance containing the event data. Pans the camera by the specified 3D vector (world coordinates). The panning vector. Pans the camera by the specified 2D vector (screen coordinates). The delta. Occurs when the manipulation is started. The instance containing the event data. Occurs when the command associated with this handler initiates a check to determine whether the command can be executed on the command target. True if the execution can continue. Gets the cursor for the gesture. A cursor. Called when inertia is starting. The elapsed time (milliseconds). Handles rotation. The change look at. The x rotation axis. The y rotation axis. The rotation point. The 3D rotation point. Initializes a new instance of the class. The controller. The change look at. Occurs when the manipulation is completed. The instance containing the event data. Occurs when the position is changed during a manipulation. The instance containing the event data. Change the "look-at" point. The target. The animation time. Rotate the camera around the specified point. The p 0. The p 1. The rotate around. The rotate. The delta. Rotate around three axes. The previous mouse position. The current mouse position. The point to rotate around. Rotate camera using 'Turntable' rotation. The relative change in position. The point to rotate around. Occurs when the manipulation is started. The instance containing the event data. The can execute. True if the execution can continue. Gets the cursor. A cursor. Called when inertia is starting. The elapsed time. Projects a screen position to the trackball unit sphere. The screen position. The width of the viewport. The height of the viewport. A trackball coordinate. The init turnball rotation axes. The p 1. Rotates around the camera up and right axes. The previous mouse position. The current mouse position. The point to rotate around. The rotate trackball. The previous mouse position. The current mouse position. The point to rotate around. Handles zooming. The change field of view. The zoom point. The zoom point 3 d. Initializes a new instance of the class. The controller. if set to true [change field of view]. Changes the camera position. The relative change (0 = no change). The point to zoom around. Changes the camera position by the specified vector. The translation vector in camera space (z in look direction, y in up direction, and x perpendicular to the two others) The change camera width. The delta. The zoom around. Changes the field of view and tries to keep the scale fixed. The relative change in field of view (degrees). Occurs when the manipulation is completed. The instance containing the event data. Occurs when the position is changed during a manipulation. The instance containing the event data. Occurs when the manipulation is started. The instance containing the event data. Zooms the view. The delta. Zooms the view around the specified point. The delta. The zoom around. Occurs when the command associated with this handler initiates a check to determine whether the command can be executed on the command target. True if the execution can continue. Gets the cursor for the gesture. A cursor. Changes the camera distance. The delta. The zoom around point. Handles rectangle zooming. The zoom rectangle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The controller. Occurs when the manipulation is completed. The instance containing the event data. Occurs when the position is changed during a manipulation. The instance containing the event data. Occurs when the manipulation is started. The instance containing the event data. Zooms to the specified rectangle. The zoom rectangle. Occurs when the command associated with this handler initiates a check to determine whether the command can be executed on the command target. True if the execution can continue. Gets the cursor for the gesture. A cursor. Provides a color axis for categories. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the categories. The categories. Updates the visuals. Gets the tick labels. The labels. The base class for color axes. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Initializes static members of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the width of the color bar rectangle. The width. Gets or sets the color scheme. The color scheme. Gets or sets the color scheme direction, if true inverts the color normal color brush direction. A boolean indicating inverted color direction when true. Gets or sets the position. The position. Gets or sets the text margin. The text margin. Gets or sets the length of the tick. The length of the tick. Gets the canvas. Gets the color rectangle area. When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes call . Handles changes in properties. The sender. The instance containing the event data. Adds the visuals. Gets the tick labels. The labels. Measures the child elements of a in anticipation of arranging them during the pass. An upper limit that should not be exceeded. A that represents the size that is required to arrange child content. Updates the visuals. Defines the position of a color axis. Position at left Position at right Provides a color axis for a numeric value range. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the format provider. The format provider. Gets or sets the format string. The format string. Gets or sets the maximum. The maximum. Gets or sets the maximum texture coordinate. The maximum texture coordinate. Gets or sets the minimum. The minimum. Gets or sets the minimum texture coordinate. The minimum texture coordinate. Gets or sets the step. The step. Updates the visuals. Gets the tick labels. The labels. Gets the tick values. The tick values A control that contains a and a . Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The camera changed event. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the CurrentPosition dependency property. Identifies the EnableCurrentPosition dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. It enables (true) or disables (false) the calculation of the cursor position in the 3D Viewport Identifies the dependency property. The return value equals ConstructionPlanePosition or CursorModelSnapPosition if CursorSnapToModels is not null. Identifies the dependency property. This property returns the position of the nearest model. Identifies the dependency property. This property returns the point on the cursor plane.. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The look at (target) point changed event Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the routed event. The limit FPS property The adorner layer name. The viewport grid name. The camera controller name. The coordinate view name. The view cube name. The view cube viewport name. The frame rate stopwatch. The headlight. The lights. The orthographic camera. The perspective camera. The rendering event listener. The viewport. The adorner layer. The camera controller. The coordinate system lights. The coordinate view. The current camera. The frame counter. The "control has been loaded before" flag. The frame counter for info field updates. The is subscribed to rendering event. The view cube. The view cube lights. The view cube view. Initializes static members of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Event when a property has been changed Occurs when the look at/target point changed. Occurs when the view is zoomed by rectangle. Gets the command that toggles between orthographic and perspective camera. Gets or sets the back view gesture. The back view gesture. Gets or sets the bottom view gesture. The bottom view gesture. Gets or sets the camera. The camera. Gets the camera controller. Gets or sets the camera inertia factor. The camera inertia factor. Gets the camera info. The camera info. Gets or sets the Gets or sets the camera rotation mode. Gets or sets the cursor used when changing field of view. A . Gets or sets the change field of view gesture. The change field of view gesture. Gets or sets the change look-at gesture. The change look-at gesture. Gets the children. The children. Gets or sets the height of the coordinate system viewport. The height of the coordinate system viewport. Gets or sets the horizontal position of the coordinate system viewport. The horizontal position. Gets or sets the color of the coordinate system label. The color of the coordinate system label. Gets or sets the coordinate system X label. The coordinate system X label. Gets or sets the coordinate system Y label. The coordinate system Y label. Gets or sets the coordinate system Z label. The coordinate system Z label. Gets or sets the vertical position of the coordinate system viewport. The vertical position. Gets or sets the width of the coordinate system viewport. The width of the coordinate system viewport. Gets or sets the current position. The current position. The property must be set to true to enable updating of this property. Gets or sets the debug info text. The debug info text. Gets or sets the default camera. The default camera. Gets or sets a value indicating whether calculation of the property is enabled. true if calculation is enabled; otherwise, false . Gets or sets a value indicating whether calculation of the properties is enabled. true if calculation is enabled; otherwise, false . Gets the current cursor position. The current cursor position. The property must be set to true to enable updating of this property. Gets the current cursor position on the cursor plane. The cursor plane position. The property must be set to true to enable updating of this property. Gets or sets the plane that defines the . The plane used to calculate the . Gets the cursor ray. The cursor ray. Gets the current cursor position on the nearest model. If the model is not hit, the position is null. The position of the model intersection. The property must be set to true to enable updating of this property. Gets the field of view text. The field of view text. Gets the frame rate. The frame rate. Gets the frame rate text. The frame rate text. Gets or sets the front view gesture. The front view gesture. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable infinite spin. true if infinite spin is enabled; otherwise, false . Gets or sets the background brush for the CameraInfo and TriangleCount fields. The info background. Gets or sets the foreground brush for informational text. The foreground brush. Gets or sets a value indicating whether change of field-of-view is enabled. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the head light is enabled. true if the head light is enabled; otherwise, false . Gets or sets a value indicating whether inertia is enabled for the camera manipulations. true if inertia is enabled; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether pan is enabled. Gets or sets a value indicating whether move (by AWSD keys) is enabled. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the top and bottom views are oriented to front and back. Gets or sets the view cube edge clickable. Gets or sets a value indicating whether rotation is enabled. Gets or sets a value indicating whether touch zoom (pinch gesture) is enabled. true if touch zoom is enabled; otherwise, false . Gets or sets a value indicating whether zoom is enabled. Gets or sets the sensitivity for pan by the left and right keys. The pan sensitivity. Use -1 to invert the pan direction. Gets or sets the sensitivity for rotation by the left and right keys. The rotation sensitivity. Use -1 to invert the rotation direction. Gets or sets the left view gesture. The left view gesture. Gets the lights. The lights. Gets or sets the maximum field of view. The maximum field of view. Gets or sets the minimum field of view. The minimum field of view. Gets or sets the up direction of the model. This is used by the view cube. The model up direction. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this should use an orthographic camera. true if an orthographic camera should be used; otherwise, false . Gets or sets the orthographic toggle gesture. The orthographic toggle gesture. Gets or sets the sensitivity for zoom by the page up and page down keys. The zoom sensitivity. Use -1 to invert the zoom direction. Gets or sets the pan cursor. The pan cursor. Gets or sets the pan gesture. The pan gesture. Gets or sets the alternative pan gesture. The alternative pan gesture. Gets or sets the reset camera gesture. Gets or sets the reset camera key gesture. The reset camera key gesture. Gets or sets the right view gesture. The right view gesture. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to rotate around the mouse down point. true if rotation around the mouse down point is enabled; otherwise, false . Gets or sets a value indicating whether to rotate around a fixed point. true if rotation around a fixed point is enabled; otherwise, false . Gets or sets a value indicating the center of rotation. true if rotation around a fixed point is enabled; otherwise, false . Gets or sets the rotation cursor. The rotation cursor. Gets or sets the rotation gesture. The rotation gesture. Gets or sets the alternative rotation gesture. The alternative rotation gesture. Gets or sets the rotation sensitivity. The rotation sensitivity. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show camera info. true if the camera info should be shown; otherwise, false . Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the camera target adorner. true if the camera target adorner should be shown; otherwise, false . Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the coordinate system. true if the coordinate system should be shown; otherwise, false . Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the current field of view. true if field of view should be shown; otherwise, false . Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the frame rate. true if the frame rate should be shown; otherwise, false . Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the total number of triangles in the scene. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the view cube. true if the view cube should be shown; otherwise, false . Gets or sets the status. The status. Gets or sets the sub title. The sub title. Gets or sets the size of the sub title. The size of the sub title. Gets or sets the text brush. The text brush. Gets or sets the title. The title. Gets or sets the title background brush. The title background. Gets or sets the title font family. The title font family. Gets or sets the size of the title. The size of the title. Gets or sets the top view gesture. The top view gesture. Gets information about the triangle count. Gets or sets the sensitivity for pan by the up and down keys. The pan sensitivity. Use -1 to invert the pan direction. Gets or sets the sensitivity for rotation by the up and down keys. The rotation sensitivity. Use -1 to invert the rotation direction. Gets or sets the view cube back text. The view cube back text. Gets or sets the view cube bottom text. The view cube bottom text. Gets or sets the view cube front text. The view cube front text. Gets or sets the height of the view cube viewport. The height of the view cube viewport. Gets or sets the horizontal position of the view cube viewport. The horizontal position. Gets or sets the view cube left text. The view cube left text. Gets or sets the opacity of the view cube when inactive. Gets or sets the view cube right text. The view cube right text. Gets or sets the view cube top text. The view cube top text. Gets or sets the vertical position of view cube viewport. The vertical position. Gets or sets the width of the view cube viewport. The width of the view cube viewport. Gets the viewport. The viewport. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to zoom around the mouse down point. true if zooming around the mouse down point is enabled; otherwise, false . Gets or sets a value indicating whether to snap the mouse down point to a model. true if snapping the mouse down point is enabled; otherwise, false . Gets or sets the zoom cursor. The zoom cursor. Gets or sets the zoom extents gesture. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to Zoom extents when the control has loaded. Gets or sets the zoom gesture. The zoom gesture. Gets or sets the alternative zoom gesture. The alternative zoom gesture. Gets or sets the zoom rectangle cursor. The zoom rectangle cursor. Gets or sets the zoom rectangle gesture. The zoom rectangle gesture. Gets or sets the zoom sensitivity. The zoom sensitivity. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [limit FPS]. true if [limit FPS]; otherwise, false. Changes the camera direction. The new direction. The animation time. Copies the view to the clipboard. Copies the view to the clipboard as xaml. Exports the view to the specified file. Exporters.Filter contains all supported export file types. Name of the file. Exports the view to a stereo image with the specified file name. Name of the file. The stereo base. Finds the nearest object. The 3D position. The 2D position. The normal at the hit point. The object that was hit. True if an object was hit. Finds the nearest point. The point. A point. Finds the that is nearest the camera ray through the specified point. The point. The nearest or null if no visual was hit. Changes the camera to look at the specified point. The point. The animation time. Changes the camera to look at the specified point. The target point. The distance. The animation time. Changes the camera to look at the specified point. The target point. The direction. The animation time. When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes call . A part is missing from the template. Resets the camera. Sets the camera position and orientation. The new camera position. The new camera look direction. The new camera up direction. The animation time. Sets the camera orientation and adjusts the camera position to fit the model into the view. The new camera look direction. The new camera up direction. The animation time. Zooms to the extents of the screen. The animation time. Zooms to the extents of the specified bounding box. The bounding box. The animation time. Raises the LookAtChanged event. Raises the ZoomedByRectangle event. Handles camera changes. Handles changes to the property. Invoked when the property changes. Information about the change. Move operation not implemented. or Replace operation not implemented. Called when the property changes. Old value of the property. New value of the property. Invoked when an unhandled MouseMove attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. The that contains the event data. Raises the camera changed event. Updates the cursor position. The position of the cursor (in viewport coordinates). Adds the specified items. The items to add. Handles the Changed event of the current camera. The sender. The event arguments. Handles the Rendering event of the CompositionTarget control. The source of the event. The instance containing the event data. Handles the command. The sender. The instance containing the event data. Handles changes to the camera rotation mode. Handles the Loaded event. The sender. The event arguments. Handles the Unloaded event. The sender. The event arguments. Handles changes to the property. Handles changes to the property. Handles changes to the property. Handles the . The sender. The instance containing the event data. Removes the specified items. The items to remove. Subscribes to the rendering event. Unsubscribes the rendering event. Updates the camera info. Updates the field of view info. Updates the rendering event subscription. Handles the mouse enter events on the view cube. The sender. The event arguments. Handles the mouse leave events on the view cube. The sender. The event arguments. Interface for 3D viewports. Gets the camera. The camera. Gets the camera controller. The camera controller. Gets the lights. The lights. Gets the viewport. The viewport. Copies the view to the clipboard. Copies the view to the clipboard as xaml. Exports the view to the specified file name. Name of the file. Zooms to extents. The animation time. Input binding supporting binding the Gezture. Gets or sets the gesture. The gesture. Identifies the dependency property. Geztures the changed. The d. The instance containing the event data. Called when [gezture changed]. An anaglyph viewer control. Petzold's anaglyph space station (using opacity) http://www.charlespetzold.com/3D/ Greg Schechter multi input shader effects (for the AnaglyphEffect) http://blogs.msdn.com/greg_schechter/archive/2008/09/27/a-more-useful-multi-input-effect.aspx Barcinski and Jean-Jean: Making of Part III - Anaglyph http://blog.barcinski-jeanjean.com/2008/10/17/making-of-part-iii-anaglyph/ AnaglyphView3D Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the horizontal offset. The horizontal offset. Gets or sets the method. The method. Invoked when an unhandled  attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled  attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. The that contains the event data. This event data reports details about the mouse button that was pressed and the handled state. The horizontal offset changed. The d. The event arguments. The on horizontal offset changed. InitializeComponent An interlaced viewer control. InterlacedView3D Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the horizontal offset. The horizontal offset. Updates the property based on the vertical position of the control. Gets or sets the method. The method. Invoked when an unhandled  attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled  attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. The that contains the event data. This event data reports details about the mouse button that was pressed and the handled state. The horizontal offset changed. The d. The event arguments. The on horizontal offset changed. InitializeComponent Base class for controls that use stereo cameras Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Initializes static members of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the camera. The camera. Gets or sets the camera rotation mode. The camera rotation mode. Gets the children. The children. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [copy direction vector]. true if [copy direction vector]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [copy up vector]. true if [copy up vector]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the cameras are set up for cross viewing. true if [cross viewing]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the left camera. The left camera. Gets or sets the left viewport. The left viewport. Gets or sets the right camera. The right camera. Gets or sets the right viewport. The right viewport. Gets or sets the stereo base. The stereo base. Binds the viewports. The left. The right. Binds the viewports. The left. The right. if set to true [create lights]. if set to true [create camera]. Clears the children collection. Exports the views to kerkythea. Name of the left file. Name of the right file. Synchronizes the stereo model. Updates the cameras. The stereo view changed. The d. The event arguments. Handle the camera changed event. The sender. The event arguments. Handle changes in the children collection. The sender. The event arguments. A stereoscopic Viewport3D control. StereoView3D Initializes a new instance of the class. InitializeComponent A stereoscopic wiggle control. WiggleView3D Identifies the dependency property. The timer. The watch. Initializes a new instance of the class. Wiggles per second The wiggle rate changed. The d. The event arguments. The composition target_ rendering. The sender. The event arguments. The update timer. Toggle between left and right camera. InitializeComponent An enumerate to boolean converter. IsChecked="{Binding MyProperty, Converter={StaticResource EnumToBooleanConverter}, ConverterParameter=Param1}" Converts a value. The value produced by the binding source. The type of the binding target property. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used. Converts a value. The value that is produced by the binding target. The type to convert to. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used. Linear (mx+b) converter. Gets or sets the B. The B. Gets or sets the M. The M. Converts a value. The value produced by the binding source. The type of the binding target property. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used. Converts a value. The value that is produced by the binding target. The type to convert to. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used. Gets the double value. The parameter. The default value. The get double value. A not-null reference to Visibility value converter. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this converter is inverted. Converts a value. The value produced by the binding source. The type of the binding target property. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used. Converts a value. The value that is produced by the binding target. The type to convert to. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used. A MarkupExtension that provides the instance itself. This should not be used if multiple instances are created. In that case create a resource instead. When implemented in a derived class, returns an object that is set as the value of the target property for this markup extension. Object that can provide services for the markup extension. The object value to set on the property where the extension is applied. A string to boolean value converter. Returns true if the string equals the parameter. IsChecked="{Binding MyProperty, Converter={StaticResource StringToBooleanConverter}, ConverterParameter=Param1}" Converts a value. The value produced by the binding source. The type of the binding target property. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used. Converts a value. The value that is produced by the binding target. The type to convert to. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used. Exports a to a .bmp, .png or .jpg file. Initializes a new instance of the class. Specifies the output format. Output to PNG. Output to JPEG. Output to Bitmap. Gets or sets the background brush. The background. Gets or sets the name of the file. The name of the file. Gets or sets the oversampling multiplier. The oversampling multiplier. Exports the specified viewport. The viewport. The output stream. Not supported file format. Exports the specified visual. The visual. The output stream. Cannot export a visual to a bitmap. Exports the specified model. The model. The output stream. Cannot export a model to a bitmap. Exports the 3D visual tree to a Collada 1.5.0 file. The effect dictionary. The geometry dictionary. The light dictionary. The material dictionary. The node dictionary. Gets or sets the author. The author. Gets or sets the comments. The comments. Gets or sets the copyright. The copyright. Exports the specified viewport. Exports model, camera and lights. The viewport. The output stream. Creates a new on the specified stream. The output stream. A . Closes this exporter. The writer. Exports the model. The writer. The model. The inherited transform. Writes the file assets. The writer. The viewport. Binds the specified geometry and material. The writer. The geometry identifier. The material identifier. Exports the effect of the specified model. The writer. The model. Exports the effect of the specified material. The writer. The material. Exports the geometry of the specified model. The writer. The model. The transform. Model is not a MeshGeometry3D. Exports the specified light. The writer. The light. Exports the material in the specified model. The writer. The model. Exports the specified material. The writer. The material. Exports the specified model as a node. The writer. The model. The transform. Model is not a MeshGeometry3D. Exports the specified model as a scene node. The writer. The model. The transform. Writes the specified color. The writer. The color. Writes the specified element value. The writer. The name of the element. The value. Writes the specified element matrix. The writer. The name of the element. The matrix. Writes a phong material. The writer. The name. The color. Provides a base class providing common functionality for exporters. The type of the output writer. Exports the specified viewport. The viewport. The output stream. Exports the specified visual. The visual. The output stream. Exports the specified model. The model. The output stream. Creates the writer for the specified stream. The stream. The writer. Closes the export writer. The writer. Exports the camera. The writer. The camera. Exports the header. The writer. Exports the light. The writer. The light. The inherited transform. Exports the model. The writer. The model. The inherited transform. Exports the viewport. The writer. The viewport. Renders the brush to a JPG image. The output stream. The brush to render. The width of the output image. The height of the output image. The quality level of the JPG image. E.g. 90. The value range is 1 (lowest quality) to 100 (highest quality). Renders the brush to a PNG image. The output stream. The brush to render. The width of the output image. The height of the output image. Renders the specified brush. The brush. The width. The height. RenderTargetBitmap. Encodes the specified bitmap as a PNG image. The bitmap. The output stream. Encodes the specified bitmap as a Jpeg image. The bitmap. The output stream. The jpeg quality level. Contains a list of all supported exporters. Default file export extension. File filter for all the supported exporters. Creates an exporter based on the extension of the specified path. The output path. An exporter. Specifies functionality to export 3D models. Exports the specified viewport (including model, camera and lights). The viewport. The output stream. Exports the specified visual. The visual. The output stream. Exports the specified model. The model. The output stream. Exports the 3D visual tree to a Kerkythea input file. Dictionary of registered materials. Initializes a new instance of the class. Render settings. Use RayTracer. Use PhotonMap. Use MetropolisLightTransport. Gets or sets the aperture. The aperture. Gets or sets the color of the background. The color of the background. Gets or sets the texture file creator. The file creator. Gets or sets the length of the focal. The length of the focal. Gets or sets the focus distance. The focus distance. Gets or sets the height. The height. Gets or sets the lens samples. The lens samples. Gets or sets the light multiplier. The light multiplier. Gets or sets the name. The name. Gets or sets the color of the reflection. The color of the reflection. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is reflections. true if reflections; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the render setting. The render setting. Gets or sets the color of the shadow. The color of the shadow. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is shadows. true if shadows; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [soft shadows]. true if [soft shadows]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the height of the texture. The height of the texture. Gets or sets the texture path. The texture path. Gets or sets the width of the texture. The width of the texture. Gets or sets the threads. The threads. Gets or sets the width. The width. Exports the mesh. The writer. The mesh. Registers a material. The material to register. The material stream. Writes the Metropolis Light Transport properties. The writer. The name of the MLP ray tracer. Writes the standard ray tracer properties. The writer. The name of the ray tracer. Writes the threaded ray tracer properties. The writer. The number of threads. Creates the writer for the specified stream. The stream. The writer. Exports the camera. The writer. The camera. Only perspective cameras are supported. Exports the document header. The writer. Exports the light. The writer. The light. The transform. Exports the model. The writer. The model geometry. The transform. Exports the specified viewport. The writer. The viewport to export. Closes this exporter. The writer. Creates a transform from the original coordinate system to the system defined by translation origin The origin. The direction vector. The up vector. A transformation matrix. Converts a to a string formatted for Kerkythea. The point. A string representing the point. Converts a to a string formatted for Kerkythea. The vector. A string representing the point. Converts a to a string formatted for Kerkythea. The vector. A string representing the vector. Converts a to a string formatted for Kerkythea. The color. A string representing the color. Exports the map channel (texture coordinates) from the specified mesh. The writer. The mesh. Exports a material. The writer. The name of the material. The material. The weights. Exports the specified material. The writer. The material. Gets the solid color from a brush. The brush. The default color (used if the specified brush is not a ). The color. Gets the texture for a brush. The writer. The brush. The name of the material. The texture filename. Gets a unique name. The writer. The object. The default name. A unique name. Writes a ashikhmin material. The writer. The identifier. The diffuse. The specular. The shininess x map. The shininess y map. The rotation map. The shininess x. The shininess y. The rotation. The index of refraction. The nkfile. Writes a bitmap texture. The writer. The name. The filename. Writes a constant texture. The writer. The name. The color. Writes a dielectric material. The writer. The identifier. The reflection. The refraction. The index of refraction. The dispersion. The nkfile. Writes a weight. The writer. The identifier. The weight. Writes a whitted material. The writer. The identifier. The texture. The diffuse. The specular. The refraction. The shininess. The index of refraction. Returns the or the if the is NaN. The value. The default value. The value. Represents the output writer for the . The writer The names. Texture bitmaps are reused. This dictionary contains a map from brush to filename Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. Writes the start element. Name of the element. Writes the attribute string. The name. The value. Writes the end element. Writes the full end element. Writes the start document. Closes this instance. Writes a parameter. The name. The type. The value. Writes a string parameter. The name. The value. Writes a color parameter. The name. The color. Writes a boolean parameter. The name. The flag. Writes a double parameter. The name. The value. Writes an integer parameter. The parameter name. The value. Writes a transformation matrix. The name of the matrix. The matrix. Writes the end object. Writes the object. The identifier. The label. The name. The type. Writes the start object. The identifier. The label. The name. The type. Writes the end document. Writes the specified XML node. The XML node. Tries to get the texture for the specified brush. The brush. The texture file. true if the texture was found. Adds the specified texture. The brush. The filename. Gets a unique name. The name. The default name. Export the 3D visual tree to a Wavefront OBJ file http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obj http://www.martinreddy.net/gfx/3d/OBJ.spec http://www.eg-models.de/formats/Format_Obj.html The exported materials. The group no. The mat no. Normal index counter. The object no. Texture index counter. Vertex index counter. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to export normals. Gets or sets the texture image and materials file creator. A function used to create streams for texture images and material files. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use "d" for transparency (default is "Tr"). Gets or sets the comment. Gets or sets the materials file. The materials file. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to switch Y and Z coordinates. Gets or sets the texture folder. Gets or sets the texture extension (.png or .jpg). The default value is ".png". Gets or sets the texture size. The default value is 1024. Gets or sets the texture quality level (for JPEG encoding). The quality level of the JPEG image. The value range is 1 (lowest quality) to 100 (highest quality) inclusive. The default value is 90. Exports the mesh. The writer. The mesh geometry. The transform. Creates the specified stream. The stream. StreamWriter. Closes the specified writer. The writer. The export model. The writer. The model. The transform. The export material. The material writer. The mat name. The material. The back material. Converts a color to a string. The color. The string. Represents the stream writers for the . Gets or sets the object file writer. Gets or sets the material file writer. Exports the 3D visual tree to a PovRay input file. See povray.org. Creates the specified stream. The stream. StreamWriter. Closes this exporter. The writer. Exports the camera. The writer. The camera. Exports the light. The writer. The light. The inherited transform. Exports the model. The writer. The model. The inherited transform. Exports the 3D visual tree to a RenderMan input file. See https://renderman.pixar.com/products/rispec/rispec_pdf/RISpec3_2.pdf Creates the writer for the specified stream. The stream. The output writer. Closes this exporter. The writer. Exports the camera. The writer. The camera. Exports the light. The writer. The light. The inherited transform. Exports the model. The writer. The model. The inherited transform. Exports the 3D visual tree to a STereoLithography binary file. Creates a used to write the StlFile The output stream where the STL is written. The created Closes a . The writer to close Exports the specified viewport. The viewport to export The output stream to export to Exports specified The to export. The output stream to export to Exports specified . The to export The output stream to export to Writes an empty STL header. The to write to. Writes a to a in STL binary format. The to write to. The model to write. All vertices are transformed with this transform before written Exports the 3D visual tree to a VRML97 (2.0) file. See Wikipedia, Web3D, VRML plugin/browser detector, and openvrml.org. Gets or sets the title. The title. Creates the writer for the specified stream. The stream. The writer. Closes the export writer. The writer. Exports the model. The writer. The model. The inherited transform. Exports the 3D visual tree to an X3D file. The X3D format is defined on Wikipedia. Also see Web3D. The validation schema can be found at w3.org and web3d.org. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the metadata. Sets the title. Creates the writer for the specified stream. The output stream. The writer. Closes this exporter. The output writer. Exports the header. The writer. Exports the model. The writer. The model. The inherited transform. Exports a Viewport3D or 3D model to XAML. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to create a resource dictionary. true if a resource dictionary should be created; otherwise, false. Wraps the specified object in a resource dictionary. The object to be wrapped. A resource dictionary. Exports the specified viewport. The viewport. The stream. Exports the specified visual. The visual. The stream. Exports the specified model. The model. The stream. Creates a new on the specified stream. The output stream. A . Closes this exporter. The writer. Provides extension methods for animatable objects. Animates the opacity of the specified object. The object to animate. The target opacity. The animation time. Provides extension methods for . Note that the Matrix3D contains row vectors. Returns the inverted matrix. The matrix to invert. The inverted . Convert the to a two-dimensional . The matrix. Two-dimensional array, the indexing is Array[row,column] Convert the matrix to a string using invariant culture and '\t' and '\n' as separators. The matrix. The column Width. The to string. Convert the matrix to a string The matrix. The format. The column Width. The to string. Convert the matrix to a string The matrix. The format. The column Separator. The line Separator. The column Width. The provider. A string. Converts to string using the specified format and the invariant culture The matrix. Format string, e.g. "N8" Width of column, number of characters A string. Converts to string using the specified format and the invariant culture The matrix. The format. The column separator. The line separator. Width of the column. The provider. A string. Extension methods for . Calculates the distance from p1 to p2. The point p1. The point p2. The distance. Calculates the squared distance from p1 to p2. The p1. The p2. The squared distance. Convert a to a . The input point. A vector. Multiplies the specified point with a scalar. The point. The scalar. A point. Sums the specified points. The points. The summed point. Extension methods for . Find a that is perpendicular to the given . The input vector. A perpendicular vector. Determines whether the specified vector is undefined (NaN,NaN,NaN). The vector. true if the specified vector is undefined; otherwise, false. Convert a to a . The input vector. A point. Represents a bounding sphere. The center. The radius. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The center. The diameter. Gets or sets the center of the sphere. The center. Gets or sets the radius of the sphere. The diameter. Creates a bounding sphere from a collection of points. The points. The bounding sphere. Creates a from a . The 3D rectangle. A sphere. Creates a merged bounding sphere. The original. The additional. The merged bounding sphere. Determines if the specified point is inside the sphere. The point. True if the point is inside. Calculates the distance from a point to the nearest point on the sphere surface. The point. The distance. Determines if the sphere intersects with the specified sphere. The sphere to check against. True if the spheres intersect. Gets the intersection with the specified ray. The ray. The intersection point(s). The intersection points sorted by distance from the ray origin. Represents a line segment in two-dimensional space. The first point of the line segment. The second point of the line segment. Initializes a new instance of the class. The first point of the line segment. The second point of the line segment. Gets the first point of the line segment. The point. Gets the second point of the line segment. The point. Checks if there are any intersections of two line segments. One vertex of line a. The other vertex of the line a. One vertex of line b. The other vertex of the line b. true, if the two lines are crossed. Otherwise, it returns false. Indicates whether the specified line segment intersects with the current line segment. The line segment to check. true if the specified line segment intersects with the current line segment; otherwise false. Represents a 3D mesh for polygon models containing faces with any number of vertices. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The positions. The triangle indices. Initializes a new instance of the class. The positions. The texture Coordinates. The triangle indices. Gets the edges. The edges. Gets the faces. The faces. Gets the texture coordinates. The texture coordinates. Gets the vertices. The vertices. Adds a face. The vertex indices of the face. Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. A new object that is a copy of this instance. Finds the centroid of the specified face. Index of the face. The centroid. Finds the face from edge. The v0. The v1. The face index. Gets the bounds. The bounds. Gets the face normal (averaged). Index of the face. The face normal. Gets the neighbour vertices. Index of the vertex. The neighbour vertices. Determines whether the mesh contains quadrilateral faces only. true if the mesh is quadrilateral; otherwise, false . Determines whether the mesh contains triangular faces only. true if the mesh is triangular; otherwise, false . Converts the mesh to a mesh of quadrilaterals. Converts the mesh to a MeshGeometry3D. Allow shared vertices (smooth shading) if set to true . The shrink factor. The face indices. A mesh geometry. Triangulates the specified mesh. Use barycentric subdivision if set to true . Updates the edges. Finds the midpoint of the specified edge. The first vertex index. The second vertex index. The midpoint. Represents a plane. The normal. The position. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The p0. The n. Gets or sets the normal. The normal. Gets or sets the position. The position. Finds the intersection between the plane and a line. The first point defining the line. The second point defining the line. The intersection point. Represents a 3D ray. The direction The origin Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The o. The sender. Initializes a new instance of the class. The p0. The p1. Gets or sets the direction. The direction. Gets or sets the origin. The origin. Gets the point on the ray that is nearest the specified point. The point. The nearest point on the ray. Finds the intersection with a plane. A point on the plane. The normal of the plane. The intersection point. Finds the intersection with a plane. A point on the plane. The normal of the plane. The intersection point. True if a intersection was found. Represents a triangle in two-dimensional space. The first point of the triangle. The second point of the triangle. The third point of the triangle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The first point of the triangle. The second point of the triangle. The third point of the triangle. Gets the first point of the triangle. The point. Gets the second point of the triangle. The point. Gets the third point of the triangle. The point. Checks whether the specified rectangle is completely inside the current triangle. The rectangle true if the specified rectangle is inside the current triangle; otherwise false. Checks whether the specified rectangle is completely inside the current triangle. The rectangle. true if the specified rectangle is inside the current triangle; otherwise false. Checks whether the specified point is inside the triangle. The point to be checked. true if the specified point is inside the current triangle; otherwise false. Indicates whether the specified rectangle intersects with the current triangle. The rectangle to check. true if the specified rectangle intersects with the current triangle; otherwise false. Provides attached properties. The name property Gets the name of the model. The model. The name. Sets the name of the model. The model. The value. Provides methods that creates brushes. Creates a copy of a brush with the specified opacity. The brush to copy. The opacity. Creates a gradient brush from the given colors. The colors. A LinearGradientBrush. Creates a gradient brush from a list of colors. The colors. if set to true [horizontal]. A LinearGradientBrush. Creates a gray brush. The intensity of the gray color. Creates a HSV brush. The opacity (0-1). if set to true [horizontal]. LinearGradientBrush. Creates a rainbow brush. A rainbow brush. Creates a 'stepped' gradient brush from a list of colors. The colors. if set to true [horizontal]. A gradientbrush. Creates the stepped gradient brush (same number of steps as the number of stops in the gradient). The gradient. Creates the stepped gradient brush (any number of steps). The gradient. The number of steps. Creates a stepped HSV brush. The number of steps. Provides extension methods for derived classes. Animates the camera position and directions. The camera to animate. The position to animate to. The direction to animate to. The up direction to animate to. Animation time in milliseconds. Animates the orthographic width. An orthographic camera. The width to animate to. Animation time in milliseconds Changes the direction of a camera. The camera. The new look direction. The new up direction. The animation time. Copies the specified camera, converts field of view/width if necessary. The source camera. The destination camera. Copy near and far plane distances if set to true. Copy the direction of the source . Used for the CoordinateSystem view. The source camera. The destination camera. New length of the LookDirection vector. Creates a default perspective camera. A perspective camera. Gets an information string about the specified camera. The camera. The get info. Set the camera target point without changing the look direction. The camera. The target. The animation time. Set the camera target point and look direction The camera. The target. The new look direction. The animation time. Set the camera target point and directions The camera. The target. The new look direction. The new up direction. The animation time. Set the camera target point and camera distance. The camera. The target point. The distance to the camera. The animation time. Resets the specified camera. The camera. Resets the specified perspective camera. The camera. Resets the specified orthographic camera. The camera. Obtains the view transform matrix for a camera. (see page 327) Camera to obtain the ViewMatrix for A Matrix3D object with the camera view transform matrix, or a Matrix3D with all zeros if the "camera" is null. Gets the projection matrix for the specified camera. The camera. The aspect ratio. The projection matrix. Gets the combined view and projection transform. The camera. The aspect ratio. The total view and projection transform. Gets the inverse camera transform. The camera. The aspect ratio. The inverse transform. Fits the current scene in the current view. The actual camera. The viewport. The animation time. Fits the current scene in the current view. The actual camera. The viewport. The look direction. The up direction. The animation time. Zooms to fit the extents of the specified viewport. The actual camera. The viewport. The animation time. Zooms to fit the specified bounding rectangle. The camera to change. The viewport. The bounding rectangle. The animation time. Fits the specified bounding rectangle in the current view. The camera to change. The viewport. The bounding rectangle. The look direction. The up direction. The animation time. Zooms to fit the specified sphere. The camera to change. The viewport. The center of the sphere. The radius of the sphere. The animation time. Fits the specified bounding sphere to the view. The camera to change. The viewport. The center of the sphere. The radius of the sphere. The look direction. The up direction. The animation time. Zooms the camera to the specified rectangle. The camera. The viewport. The zoom rectangle. Interpolates a list of points using a canonical spline. Creates a spline of points. The points. The tension. The tensions. True if the spline is closed. The tolerance. A list of screen points. The segment. The points. The pt 0. The pt 1. The pt 2. The pt 3. The t 1. The t 2. The tolerance. Helper methods for . The undefined color #00000000. Change the alpha value of a color Changes the intensity. The c. The factor. Calculates the difference between two s L2-norm in RGBA space Convert a to a hexadecimal string. The color to hex. Converts from a to HSV values (double) Array of [Hue,Saturation,Value] in the range [0,1] Converts from a to HSV values (byte) Array of [Hue,Saturation,Value] in the range [0,255] Convert a to unsigned int The color to uint. Calculates the complementary color Convert a hexadecimal string to . Converts from HSV to a RGB The hue. The saturation. The value. Create a color from the specified HSV. The HSV. A color. Convert from HSV to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_color_space Hue [0,1] Saturation [0,1] Value [0,1] Calculate the difference in hue between two s. The hue difference. Linear interpolation between two s. Convert an unsigned int (32bit) to Provides generic dependency property register methods. Registers a dependency property with the specified name. The type of the property. The type of the owner class. The name. The default value. A DependencyProperty. Registers a dependency property with the specified name. The type of the property. The type of the owner class. The name. The default value. The callback. A DependencyProperty. Sorts element by opacity and distance from camera. Sort Modelgroups in Farthest to Closest order, to enable transparency Should be applied whenever the scene is significantly re-oriented The camera Position. The models. The world Transform. Gets the distance squared. The position. The visual. The get distance squared. Gets the distance squared. The position. The model. The get distance squared. Determines whether the specified visual is transparent. The v. true if the specified visual is transparent; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified model is transparent. The model. true if the specified model is transparent; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified model is transparent. The GM3 D. true if the specified GM3 D is transparent; otherwise, false. Determines whether any part of the specified material is transparent. The material. true if the specified material is transparent; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified brush is transparent. The brush. true if the specified brush is transparent; otherwise, false. Sort scene - first opaque objects, then transparent objects sorted by distance from camera The position. The model. Contains a set of predefined gradient brushes. Usage in XAML: Fill="{x:Static helix:GradientBrushes.Hue}" A blue-white-red gradient brush. A hue gradient brush. A hue gradient brush with 12 stripes. A rainbow gradient brush. A rainbow brush with 12 stripes. Provides a method for compressing files using the Gzip stream. Compresses a file using standard zlib compression. A "z" is added to the extension for the compressed file. The source. Defines the visual3D type that its bounds will be ignored. Subdivision scheme. Loop's original scheme Loop subdivision with Warren's weights Builds a subdivision surface from a triangular mesh. http:///en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subdivision_surface http:///en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loop_subdivision_surface http:///research.microsoft.com/~cloop/thesis.pdf http:///www.dgp.toronto.edu/people/stam/reality/Research/pdf/loop.pdf http:///research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/cloop/ This code is based on a matlab program "loopSubdivision.m" by Jesús P. Mena-Chalco. http:///www.mathworks.com.au/matlabcentral/fileexchange/24942-loop-subdivision Copyright (c) 2009, Jesus Mena All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. The vertices. The triangle indices. The new vertices (temoporary list). The new triangle indices (temporary list). Gets or sets the subdivision scheme. The scheme. Initializes a new instance of the class. The vertices. The triangle indices. Initializes a new instance of the class. The mesh geometry. Creates a mesh geometry. A MeshGeometry3D instance. Gets the positions. The positions. Creates a mesh. A Mesh3D instance. Adds a triangle. The first vertex index. The second vertex index. The third vertex index. The edge vertice. Gets an edge vertice. The first vertex index. The second vertex index. 0: index of the new vertex between (x,y) 1: index of the first opposite vertex between (x,y) 2: index of the second opposite vertex between (x,y) The vertex index. Set an edge vertice. The first vertex index. The second vertex index. 0: index of the new vertex between (x,y) 1: index of the first opposite vertex between (x,y) 2: index of the second opposite vertex between (x,y) The vertex index. Sums the specified vectors. The indices of the vectors. The sum. Squares the specified double. The double. The square. Subdivides this instance n times. The number of subdivisions. Subdivides this instance. Adds an edge vertex. The first vertex index. The second vertex index. The third vertex index. The added edge vertex index. Provides methods that creates materials. Changes the opacity of a material. The material. The new opacity. The method will traverse children of and change the opacity of all objects. Remember that the material must not be frozen. Creates a material from the specified bitmap file. The uri. The opacity. Kind of the URI. Freeze the material if set to true. The image material (texture). Creates a material from the specified image. The image. The opacity value. Freeze the material if set to true. The image material. Creates an emissive image material. The uri of the image. The diffuse brush. Kind of the . Freeze the material if set to true. The image material. Creates an emissive material from the specified image. The image. The diffuse brush. Freeze the material if set to true. The image material Creates a material for the specified color. The color. The material. Creates a material for the specified color and opacity. The color. The opacity. The material. Creates a material with the specified brush as diffuse material. This method will also add a white specular material. The brush. The specular power. The ambient component. Freeze the material if set to true. The material. Creates a material with the specified brush as diffuse material. This method will also add a white specular material. The brush of the diffuse material. The brightness of the specular material. The specular power. The ambient component. Freeze the material if set to true. The material. Creates a material with the specified diffuse, emissive and specular brushes. The diffuse color. The emissive color. The specular color. The opacity. The specular power. Freeze the material if set to true. The material. Gets the first material of the specified type. Type of material The source material. The first material of the specified type. Gets the image from the specified uri. The uri. Specifies whether the uri string is relative or absolute. The image. Contains a set of predefined materials. The black material. The dark GrayMaterial material. The gray material. The light gray material. The white material. The hue material. The rainbow material. The red material. The orange material. The yellow material. The green material. The blue material. The indigo material. The violet material. The brown material. The gold material. Gets the black material. Gets the dark GrayMaterial material. Gets the GrayMaterial material. Gets the light GrayMaterial material. Gets the white material. Gets the hue material. Gets the rainbow material. Gets the red material. Gets the orange material. Gets the yellow material. Gets the green material. Gets the blue material. Gets the indigo material. Gets the violet material. Gets the brown material. Gets the gold material. Provides extension methods for objects. Gets the transform. The current. The model. The parent transform. The transform. Traverses the Model3D tree and invokes the specified action on each Model3D of the specified type. The type. The model. The action. Traverses the Model3D tree and invokes the specified action on each Model3D of the specified type. The type. The model. The transform. The action. Traverses the Model3D tree and invokes the specified action on each Model3D of the specified type. The type. The model. The visual. The transform. The action. Represents a billboard. The position The relative left position (screen coordinates). The relative right position (screen coordinates). The relative top position (screen coordinates). The relative bottom position (screen coordinates). The depth offset in normalized units The depth offset in model (world) units Initializes a new instance of the class. The position. The size. The depth offset. The depth offset in world coordinates. Initializes a new instance of the class. The position. The width. The height. The horizontal alignment. The vertical alignment. The depth offset. The depth offset in world coordinates. Builds a mesh geometry for a collection of billboards. Initializes a new instance of the class. The visual. Creates the triangle indices. The number of points. The triangle indices. Gets the billboard positions with the current screen transform. The billboards. The offset. The positions. Gets the billboard positions with the current screen transform. The billboards. The offset. Width of the pins. The mesh vertices. Provides line clipping against a rectangle. The bottom. The inside. The left. The right. The top. The xmax. The xmin. The ymax. The ymin. Initializes a new instance of the class. The xmin. The xmax. The ymin. The ymax. Cohen–Sutherland clipping algorithm clips a line against a rectangle. true if the line is inside The is inside. The x. The y. The is inside. The compute out code. The x. The y. The compute out code. Builds a mesh geometry for a collection of line segments. Initializes a new instance of the class. The visual parent of the geometry (the transform is calculated from this object). Creates the triangle indices. The number of points. Triangle indices. Creates the positions for the specified line segments. The points of the line segments. The thickness of the line. The depth offset. A positive number (e.g. 0.0001) moves the point towards the camera. The clipping. The positions collection. Builds a mesh geometry for a collection of points. Initializes a new instance of the class. The visual. Creates the triangle indices. The number of points. The triangle indices. Creates the positions for the specified points. The points. The size of the points. The depth offset. A positive number (e.g. 0.0001) moves the point towards the camera. The positions collection. Base class for mesh geometry builders that work on screen coordinates. The parent visual. The screen to visual transformation matrix. The visual to screen transformation matrix. The visual to projection transformation matrix. The projection to screen transformation matrix. The viewport Initializes a new instance of the class. The visual. Updates the transforms. True if the transform was changed. Contains helper methods for stereoscopic views. Calculate the stereo base using the full Bercovitz formula Largest distance from the camera lens Nearest distance from the camera lens Width of screen depth ratio 1/30 Horizontal field of view The stereo base Calculate the stereo base using the full Bercovitz formula B = P(LN/(L-N)) (1/F - (L+N)/2LN) http://nzphoto.tripod.com/stereo/3dtake/fbercowitz.htm Parallax aimed for, in mm on the film Largest distance from the camera lens, mm Nearest distance from the camera lens, mm Focal length of the lens, mm The stereo base Create a clone of a Visual3D a Visual3D the clone Find the focal length given the field of view and the format http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angle_of_view field of view (degrees) e.g. 36mm The focal length in the same unit as the format Updates the left and right camera based on a center camera. Center camera (input) Left camera (is updated) Right camera (is updated) Stereo base true for cross-viewing, false for parallel-viewing (default is false) use the same UpDirection for both cameras (default is true) use the same LookDirection for both cameras (default is true) Creates text label models or visuals. See http://www.ericsink.com/wpf3d/4_Text.html Creates a Visual3D element containing a text label. The string The color of the text. Visible from both sides? Height of the characters The center of the label Horizontal direction of the label Vertical direction of the label Suitable for adding to your Viewport3D Creates a model for the text label. The text. Color of the text. double sided text if set to true. The height. The center. The textDirection. The updirection. A model. Helper methods for Transform3D. Combines two transforms. Null Values are treated like the Identity transform. The first transform. The second transform. The combined transform group. Provides extension methods for . See "3D programming for Windows" (Charles Petzold book) and Twelve Days of WPF 3D. Copies the specified viewport to the clipboard. The viewport. The oversampling multiplier. Copies the specified viewport to the clipboard. The viewport. The width. The height. The background. The oversampling multiplier. Copies the viewport as xaml to the clipboard. The viewport. Exports the specified viewport. The viewport. Name of the file. The background brush. Exports the specified viewport. The viewport. Name of the file. The stereo base. The background brush. Not supported file format. Finds the hits for the specified position. The viewport. The position. List of hits, sorted with the nearest hit first. Finds the hits for the specified rectangle. The viewport. The rectangle. The mode of selection. The list of the hits. Finds the nearest visual, hit point and its normal at the specified position. The viewport. The position. The 3D hit point. The normal of the mesh at the hit point. The hit visual. true if a visual was found at the specified position. Finds the coordinates of the nearest point at the specified position. The viewport. The position. The nearest point, or null if no point was found. Finds the Visual3D that is nearest the specified position. The viewport. The position. The nearest visual, or null if no visual was found. Gets the camera transform. The viewport visual. The camera transform. Gets the camera transform (viewport and projection). The viewport. A . Gets all lights. The viewport. A sequence of objects. Gets the ray at the specified position. The viewport. A 2D point. A . Gets the total transform (camera and viewport). The viewport visual. The total transform. Gets the total transform (camera and viewport). The viewport. The total transform. Gets the total transform of the specified visual. The viewport. The visual. The transform. Gets the view matrix. The viewport. A . Gets the projection matrix. The viewport. A . Gets the viewport transform. The viewport3DVisual. The transform. Gets the viewport transform. The viewport. The transform. Transforms a position to Point3D at the near and far clipping planes. The viewport. The point to transform. The point at the near clipping plane. The point at the far clipping plane. True if points were found. Transforms a 2D point to a ray. The viewport. The point. The ray. Transforms the Point3D to a Point2D. The viewport. The 3D point. The point. Transforms the set of Point3D to a set of Point2D. The viewport. The set of 3D points. The transformed points. Prints the specified viewport. The viewport. The description. Renders the viewport to a bitmap. The viewport. The background. The oversampling multiplier. A bitmap. Renders the viewport to a bitmap. The viewport. The width. The height. The background. The oversampling multiplier. A bitmap. Resizes and arranges the viewport. The viewport. The width. The height. Saves the viewport to a file. The viewport. Name of the file. The background brush. The oversampling multiplier. The output format. Saves the to left/right bitmap files. The viewport. Name of the file. "_L" and "_R" will be appended to the file name. The stereo base. The background brush. The oversampling multiplier. Saves the to a bitmap. The view. The output stream. The background brush. The oversampling multiplier. The output format. Recursive search in a Visual3D collection for objects of given type T The type to search for. The collection. A list of models. Transforms a point from the screen (2D) to a point on plane (3D) The viewport. The 2D point. A point in the plane. The plane normal. A 3D point. Maps window coordinates to object coordinates like gluUnProject. Transforms a point from the screen (2D) to a point on the plane trough the camera target point. The viewport. The 2D point. A 3D point. Gets the total number of triangles in the viewport. The viewport. The total number of triangles Copies the bitmap. The source bitmap. The target bitmap. The x offset. The y offset. Exports the model to a Kerkythea file. The viewport. Name of the file. The background. Exports the model to a Kerkythea file. The viewport. Name of the file. The background. The width. The height. Exports to an obj file. The viewport. Name of the file. Exports to an X3D file. The viewport. Name of the file. Exports to a COLLADA file. The viewport. Name of the file. Exports to a STL file. The viewport. Name of the file. Exports to xaml. The viewport. Name of the file. Gets the hit position transformed to global (viewport) coordinates. The hit structure. The viewport. The 3D position of the hit. Gets the normal for a hit test result. The ray hit. The normal. Recursive search for an object of a given type The collection. The type. The output. Searches for models of the specified type. The collection. The type. The output. Represents a rectangle hit result. Initializes a new instance of the class. The hit model. The hit visual. Gets the hit model. Gets the hit visual. A hit result. Gets or sets the distance. The distance. Gets the mesh. The mesh. Gets the model. The model. Gets or sets the normal. The normal. Gets or sets the position. The position. Gets or sets the ray hit. The ray hit. Gets the visual. The visual. Provides extension methods for objects. The Visual3DModel property. Finds the first child of the specified type. The type. The parent. The first child of the specified type. Finds the bounding box for a collection of Visual3Ds. The children. A . Finds the bounding box for the specified visual. The visual. The transform of the visual. A . Gets the total transform for the specified visual. The visual. A . Gets the parent from the specified visual. The visual. The Viewport3D Gets the transform to viewport space. The visual. A transformation matrix. Determines whether the visual is attached to a Viewport3D. The visual. The is attached to viewport 3 d. Traverses the Visual3D/Model3D tree and invokes the specified action on each Model3D of the specified type. The type filter. The visuals. The action. Traverses the Visual3D/Model3D tree and invokes the specified action on each Model3D of the specified type. The type filter. The visuals. The action. Traverses the Visual3D/Model3D tree and invokes the specified action on each Model3D of the specified type. The type filter. The visual. The action. Traverses the Visual3D/Model3D tree and invokes the specified action on each Model3D of the specified type. The type filter. The visual. The action. Gets the transform from the specified Visual3D to the specified Model3D. The source visual. The target model. The transform. Gets the viewport for the specified visual. The visual. The parent . Gets the children. The parent visual. A sequence of objects. Gets the model for the specified Visual3D. The visual. A . Traverses the visual tree and invokes the specified action on each object of the specified type. The type filter. The visual. The transform. The action. Provides a weak event listener that pass the CompositionTarget.Rendering event to the specified handler. Initializes a new instance of the class. The handler. Provides a weak event listener that pass the events of the specified event manager to the specified event handler. The type of the event manager. The type of the event args. The real event handler. Initializes a new instance of the class. The handler. Receives events from the centralized event manager. The type of the calling this method. Object that originated the event. Event data. true if the listener handled the event. It is considered an error by the handling in WPF�to register a listener for an event that the listener does not handle. Regardless, the method should return false if it receives an event that it does not recognize or handle. Represents a weak event manager for the CompositionTarget.Rendering event. Start listening to the CompositionTarget.Rendering event. Stop listening to the CompositionTarget.Rendering event. Provides a generic base class for weak event managers that handle static events. The type of the manager. Adds the specified listener. The listener. Removes the specified listener. The listener. Gets the current manager. The current manager. When overridden in a derived class, starts listening for the event being managed. After is first called, the manager should be in the state of calling or whenever the relevant event from the provided source is handled. The source to begin listening on. When overridden in a derived class, stops listening on the provided source for the event being managed. The source to stop listening on. Handlers the specified sender. The sender. The instance containing the event data. Starts the listening. Stops the listening. Provides helper methods to generate xaml. Gets the xaml for the specified viewport. The viewport. The get xaml. Gets the xaml for the specified object. The object. The get xaml. Interface for model readers. Reads the model from the specified path. The path. The model. Reads the model from the specified stream. The stream. The model. Contains a list of all supported importers. Default file import extension. File filter for all the supported importers. LWO (Lightwave object) file reader LWO2 is currently not supported. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dispatcher. Gets the materials. The materials. Gets the meshes. The meshes. Gets the surfaces. The surfaces. Gets or sets Points. Reads the model from the specified stream. The stream. A Model3D. Builds the model. A Model3D. Read the chunk id. The reader. The chunk id. Read the chunk size. The reader. The chunk size. Reads the data block of a chunk. The reader. Excluding header size The data. Reads a big-endian float. The reader. The read float. Reads a big-endian integer. The reader. The integer. Reads points. The reader. The size of the points array. Reads polygons. The reader. The size. Reads a big-endian short. The reader. The short integer. Reads a string. The reader. The size. The string. Read a surface. The reader. The size. Imports a model from a file. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the default material. The default material. Loads a model from the specified path. The path. The dispatcher used to create the model. Freeze the model if set to true. A model. File format not supported. Class ModelReader. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dispatcher. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the model should be frozen. true if model should be frozen; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the default material. The default material. Gets the dispatcher. The dispatcher. Gets or sets the directory. The directory. Gets or sets the texture path. The texture path. Reads the model from the specified path. The path. The model. Reads the model from the specified stream. The stream. The model. Invokes the specified action on the dispatcher. The action. A Wavefront .obj file reader. The smoothing group maps. The outer dictionary maps from a smoothing group number to a dictionary. The inner dictionary maps from an obj file (vertex, texture coordinates, normal) index to a vertex index in the current group. The current smoothing group. The line number of the line being parsed. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dispatcher. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore errors. true if errors should be ignored; false if errors should throw an exception. The default value is on (true). Gets or sets a value indicating whether to switch Y and Z coordinates. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to skip transparency values in the material files. true if transparency values should be skipped; otherwise, false. This option is added to allow disabling the Tr values in files where it has been defined incorrectly. The transparency values (Tr) are interpreted as 0 = transparent, 1 = opaque. The dissolve values (d) are interpreted as 0 = transparent, 1 = opaque. Sets a value indicating whether smoothing is default. The default value is smoothing=on (true). Gets the groups of the file. The groups. Gets the materials in the imported material files. The materials. Gets or sets the current material. Gets the current group. Gets or sets the normal vectors. Gets or sets the points. Gets or sets the stream reader. Gets or sets the texture coordinates. Reads the model and any associated materials from streams A model stream from the obj file Array of Material streams referenced in the obj file Reads the model from the specified path. The path. The model. Reads the model from the specified stream. The stream. The model. Reads a GZipStream compressed OBJ file. The path. A Model3D object containing the model. This is a file format used by Helix Toolkit only. Use the GZipHelper class to compress an .obj file. Parses a color string. The input. The parsed color. Parse a string containing a double value. The input string. The value. Splits the specified string using whitespace(input) as separators. The input string. List of input. Splits a line in keyword and arguments. The line. The keyword. The arguments. Adds a group with the specified name. The name. Ensures that a new mesh is created. Sets the smoothing group number. The group number. Adds a face. The input values. Adds a polygonal face. The numbers are indexes into the arrays of vertex positions, texture coordinates, and normal vectors respectively. A number may be omitted if, for example, texture coordinates are not being defined in the model. There is no maximum number of vertices that a single polygon may contain. The .obj file specification says that each face must be flat and convex. Adds a normal. The input values. Adds a texture coordinate. The input values. Adds a vertex. The input values. Builds the model. A Model3D object. Gets the material with the specified name. The material name. The material. Loads a material library. The material file name. Loads the material library from a streamreader Sets the material for the current group. The material name. Represents a group in the obj file. List of mesh builders. List of materials. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the group. The material of the group. Sets the material. The material. Gets the mesh builder for the current mesh. The mesh builder. Gets or sets the group name. The name. Adds a mesh. The material of the group. Creates the models of the group. The models. A material definition. The file format is documented in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Material_Template_Library. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. Gets or sets the alpha map. The alpha map. Gets or sets the ambient color. The ambient. Gets or sets the ambient map. The ambient map. Gets or sets the bump map. The bump map. Gets or sets the diffuse color. The diffuse. Gets or sets the diffuse map. The diffuse map. Gets or sets the opacity value. The opacity. 0.0 is transparent, 1.0 is opaque. Gets or sets the illumination. The illumination. Gets or sets the name of the material. The name. Gets or sets the specular color. The specular color. Gets or sets the specular coefficient. The specular coefficient. Gets or sets the specular map. The specular map. Gets or sets the material. The material. Gets the material from the specified path. The texture path. The material. Creates the material. The texture path. A WPF material. Creates a texture brush. The path. The brush. Path helpers. Gets a full path. The base path. The path. Provides an Object File Format (OFF) reader. The reader does not parse colors, normal vectors and texture coordinates. Only 3 dimensional vertices are supported. Homogeneous coordinates are not supported. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dispatcher. Gets the faces. Gets the vertices. Creates a mesh from the loaded file. A . Creates a object from the loaded file. Polygons are triangulated using triangle fans. A . Creates a from the loaded file. A . Loads the model from the specified stream. The stream. Reads the model from the specified stream. The stream. A . Parses integer values from a string. The input string. Array of integer values. Parses double values from a string. The input string. Array of double values. Removes comments from the line. The line. A line without comments. Polygon File Format Reader. https://www.cc.gatech.edu/projects/large_models/ply.html http://graphics.stanford.edu/data/3Dscanrep/ Initializes a new . Reads the model from the specified stream. The stream. A . Reads the model from the specified path. The path. The model. Creates a mesh from the loaded file. A . Creates a object from the loaded file. Polygons are triangulated using triangle fans. A . Creates a from the loaded file. A . Loads a ply file from the . The stream containing the ply file. Loads a plyfile from the specified filepath. The filepath. Loads a ply file from the stream but doesn't consume it. This could be useful when we have several streams of plyfiles to reconstruct into a single mesh, without updating the Header and Body properties of this reader. Gets or sets the header of the loaded ply file. Gets or sets the body of the loaded ply file. The supported version of the ply format. Specifies the types of ply model formats. ASCII ply format. Binary big endian ply format. Binary little endian ply format. Specifies the types of ply data types. character unsigned character short integer unsigned short integer integer integer unsigned integer unsigned integer single-precision float single-precision float double-precision float Specifies the types of items in a ply header. The beginning of a ply file. The format of a ply file. A comment in a ply file. An object info in a ply header The declaration of an element. The property to be attached to an element. The end of header declaration. Represents a ply element. Initializes a new . The name of this element. The number of instances of this element. The instances of this elements properties. The name of this element. The number of times this element is expected to appear. The instances of this elements properties. An element can have any number of properties and that list of properties can appear number of times. This property holds those values. Represents a property of a . Initializes a new ply property with the specified values. The name of the property. The type of the property. The value of the property. Specifies whether the property is a list or not. The type of contents in the list if it is a list. The items in the property's list. The name of this property. For a scalar property: the type of value it holds. For a vector property: the type of the items count value. A scalar property is a property where is false. For a scalar property: The value of this property. For a vector property: The number of items in the list. Specifies whether this property is a scalar or vector (list). The type of items in the list. The value of the items in the list. Represents the header of a ply file. Initializes a ply header with type and no elements, comments and object infos. Initializes a new Ply header with the given values. The format of the ply file's body. The version of the ply file. Gets the comments made in the file. Gets the object informations for this file (mostly producer independent). Gets the elements declared in the header. Reads and validates the header lines of a ply file. The lines to read. Converts the value of a property to the specified data type. The type to convert to. The value to convert. Reads the value of a property in the specified data type. Reads a ply file in an ascii format. The stream to read from. The header of the ply file. Reads a ply file in a binary big endian format or in a binary little endian format. The stream to read from. The header of the ply file. Specifies whether the byte order is big endian or little endian. The list of Ply elements declared in the header. Writes the ply header and body to a ply file in an ASCII format. Provides an importer for StereoLithography .StL files. The format is documented on Wikipedia. The regular expression used to parse normal vectors. The regular expression used to parse vertices. The index. The last color. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dispatcher. Gets the file header. The header. Gets the materials. The materials. Gets the meshes. The meshes. Reads the model from the specified stream. The stream. The model. Builds the model. The model. Parses the ID and values from the specified line. The line. The id. The values. Parses a normal string. The input string. The normal vector. Reads a float (4 byte) The reader. The float. Reads a line from the stream reader. The stream reader. The expected token ID. The expected token ID was not matched. Reads a 16-bit unsigned integer. The reader. The unsigned integer. Reads a 32-bit unsigned integer. The reader. The unsigned integer. Tries to parse a vertex from a string. The input string. The vertex point. True if parsing was successful. Reads a facet. The stream reader. The normal. Reads a triangle from a binary STL file. The reader. Reads the model in ASCII format from the specified stream. The stream. True if the model was loaded successfully. Reads the model from the specified binary stream. The stream. True if the file was read successfully. Incomplete file A 3D Studio file reader. The materials. The meshes. The chunk id. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dispatcher. Reads the model from the specified stream. The stream. The model. Read a chunk id. The reader. The chunk ID. Read a chunk size. The reader. The read chunk size. Read a color. The reader. A color. Read data. The reader. Excluding header size The data. Read a face list. The reader. The face list. Reads face sets. The reader. The chunk size. A list of face sets. Reads a material map. The reader. The size. The mat map. Read a material. The reader. The chunk size. Reads an object. The reader. The chunk size. Reads a string. The reader. The string. Reads texture coordinates. The reader. The texture coordinates. Reads a transformation. The reader. A transformation. Reads a triangular mesh. The reader. The chunk size. Reads a vector. The reader. A vector. Reads a vertex list. The reader. A vertex list. Represents a set of faces that belongs to the same material. Gets or sets Faces. Gets or sets the name of the material. Markupextension for Materials Material={helix:Gradient Rainbow} The type. Initializes a new instance of the class. The type. Gradient brush types Hue gradient Rainbow gradient Returns the gradient brush of the specified type. Object that can provide services for the markup extension. The brush to set on the property where the extension is applied. Markupextension for Image brushes Fill={helix:ImageBrush images\\myimage.png} The uri. Initializes a new instance of the class. The uri. Gets or sets the kind of the URI. The kind of the URI. When implemented in a derived class, returns an object that is set as the value of the target property for this markup extension. Object that can provide services for the markup extension. The object value to set on the property where the extension is applied. Markupextension for Image Materials Material={helix:ImageMaterial images\\myimage.png, Opacity=0.8} The path. Initializes a new instance of the class. The path. Gets or sets the opacity. The opacity. Gets or sets the kind of the URI. The kind of the URI. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this material is emissive. true if this material is emissive; otherwise, false. When implemented in a derived class, returns an object that is set as the value of the target property for this markup extension. Object that can provide services for the markup extension. The object value to set on the property where the extension is applied. Markup extension for key and mouse gestures. Initializes a new instance of the class. The gesture. Provides the value. The service. Markupextension for LinearGradientBrush Background={helix:LinearGradientBrush Black,White} The brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. The start color. The end color. The angle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The start color. The end color. Returns the linear gradient brush. Object that can provide services for the markup extension. The brush to set on the property where the extension is applied. Markupextension for Materials Material={helix:Material Blue, Opacity=0.5} The color. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color. Gets or sets the opacity. The opacity. Gets or sets the specular intensity. The specular intensity. Gets or sets the specular power. The specular power. When implemented in a derived class, returns an object that is set as the value of the target property for this markup extension. Object that can provide services for the markup extension. The object value to set on the property where the extension is applied. A markup extension creating a perspective camera. Camera={ht:PerspectiveCamera 10,10,20} Initializes a new instance of the class. The x. The y. The z. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x. The y. The z. The dx. The dy. The dz. Gets or sets the field of view. The field of view. Gets or sets the look direction. The look direction. Gets or sets the position. The position. Gets or sets up direction. Up direction. When implemented in a derived class, returns an object that is set as the value of the target property for this markup extension. Object that can provide services for the markup extension. The object value to set on the property where the extension is applied. A markup extension creating a translation transform. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dx. The dy. The dz. Gets or sets the offset. The offset. When implemented in a derived class, returns an object that is set as the value of the target property for this markup extension. Object that can provide services for the markup extension. The object value to set on the property where the extension is applied. Provides a verlet integrator. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verlet_integration http://www.gamasutra.com/resource_guide/20030121/jacobson_01.shtml http://code.google.com/p/verlet/ http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article2200.asp The dtprev. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the accelerations. The accelerations. Gets or sets the constraints. The constraints. Gets or sets the damping. The damping. Gets or sets the inverse mass. The inverse mass. Gets or sets the iterations. The iterations. Gets or sets the positions. The positions. Gets or sets the positions0. The positions0. Adds the constraint. The A. The B. The relax. Adds the floor. The friction. Adds the sphere. The center. The radius. Applies the gravity. The gravity. Creates the constraints by mesh. The mesh. The relax. Fixes the specified position. The i. Inits the specified mesh. The mesh. Resizes the arrays. The n. Sets the force. The index. The force. Sets the inverse mass. The invmass. Times the step. The dt. Transfers the positions. The mesh. The integrate. The dt. The satisfy constraints. The iteration. Constraint base class. Satisfies the constraint. The verlet system. The iteration. A sphere constraint. Initializes a new instance of the class. The index. The center. The radius. Gets or sets the center. The center. Gets or sets the index. The index. Gets or sets the radius. The radius. Gets or sets the radius squared. The radius squared. Satisfies the constraint. The verlet system. The iteration. A floor constraint. Initializes a new instance of the class. The index. The friction. Gets or sets the friction. The friction. Gets or sets the index. The index. Satisfies the constraint. The verlet system. The iteration. A distance constraint. Initializes a new instance of the class. The A. The B. Gets or sets the index1. The index1. Gets or sets the index2. The index2. Gets or sets the iterations. The iterations. Gets or sets the relaxation factor. The relaxation factor. Gets or sets the restlength. The restlength. Satisfies the constraint. The verlet system. The iteration. Provides event data for the ModelsSelected event of the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The selected models. The position. For the models selected by point, they are sorted by distance in ascending order. Gets the rectangle of selection. Provides event data for the ModelsSelected event of the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The selected models. The selection rectangle. For the models selected by rectangle, they are not sorted by distance in ascending order. Gets the rectangle of selection. Provides event data for the ModelsSelected event of the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The selected. if set to true the selected models are sorted by distance in ascending order. Gets the selected models. Gets a value indicating whether the selected models are sorted by distance in ascending order. true if the selected models are sorted by distance in ascending order; otherwise, false. Provides a command that raises an event returning the hit models at the mouse location when the mouse button is clicked. The position Initializes a new instance of the class. The viewport. The selection event handler. Initializes a new instance of the class. The viewport. The selection event handler. Initializes a new instance of the class. The viewport. The selection event handler. The selection event handler. Occurs when the manipulation is started. The instance containing the event data. The customized complete operation when the manipulation is completed. The instance containing the event data. Gets the cursor for the gesture. A cursor. Provides a command that shows a rectangle when the mouse is dragged and raises an event returning the models contained in the rectangle when the mouse button is released. The selection rectangle. The rectangle adorner. Initializes a new instance of the class. The viewport. The selection event handler. Initializes a new instance of the class. The viewport. The selection event handler. Initializes a new instance of the class. The viewport. The selection event handler. The selection event handler. Occurs when the manipulation is started. The instance containing the event data. Occurs when the position is changed during a manipulation. The instance containing the event data. The customized complete operation when the manipulation is completed. The instance containing the event data. Gets the cursor for the gesture. A cursor. Hides the selection rectangle. Updates the selection rectangle. Shows the selection rectangle. Provides an abstract base class for mouse selection commands. The viewport of the command. Keeps track of the old cursor. Initializes a new instance of the class. The viewport. The selection event handler for models. The selection event handler for visuals. Occurs when is changed. Occurs when models are selected. Occurs when visuals are selected. Gets or sets the selection hit mode. Gets the mouse down point (2D screen coordinates). Executes the command. The parameter. Checks whether the command can be executed. The parameter. true if the command can be executed. Otherwise, it returns false. Occurs when the manipulation is started. The instance containing the event data. Occurs when the position is changed during a manipulation. The instance containing the event data. Occurs when the manipulation is completed. The instance containing the event data. Raises the event. The instance containing the event data. Raises the event. The instance containing the event data. Gets the cursor for the gesture. A cursor. Called when the mouse button is pressed down. The sender. Called when the mouse button is released. The sender. The event arguments. Called when the mouse is move on the control. The sender. The event arguments. Called when the condition of execution is changed. The sender. The event arguments. Specifies the selection hit mode. Selects models touching the selection range. Selects models completely inside selection range. Provides event data for the VisualsSelected event of the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The selected visuals. The position. For the visuals selected by point, they are sorted by distance in ascending order. Gets the rectangle of selection. Provides event data for the VisualsSelected event of the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The selected visuals. The selection rectangle. For the visuals selected by rectangle, they are not sorted by distance in ascending order. Gets the rectangle of selection. Provides event data for the VisualsSelected event of the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The selected. if set to true the selected visuals are sorted by distance in ascending order. Gets the selected visuals. Gets a value indicating whether the selected visuals are sorted by distance in ascending order. true if the selected visuals are sorted by distance in ascending order; otherwise, false. A visual element that shows a wireframe for the specified bounding box. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the bounding box. The bounding box. Gets or sets the diameter. The diameter. Gets or sets the brush of the bounding box. The brush. Updates the box. Called when the fill changed. Called when the box dimensions changed. The sender. The event arguments. Called when the fill changed. The sender. The instance containing the event data. Adds an edge. The start point. The end point. A visual element that clones all the children of another visual element. This is useful for stereo views. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the source. The source. The source changed. The d. The event arguments. The source changed. A visual element that shows a coordinate system with arrows in the X, Y and Z directions. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the arrow lengths. The arrow lengths. Gets or sets the color of the X axis. The color of the X axis. Gets or sets the color of the Y axis. The color of the Y axis. Gets or sets the color of the Z axis. The color of the Z axis. The geometry changed. The obj. The args. Called when the geometry has changed. Defines the cutting operation. The intersect operation. The subtract operation. A visual element that applies the intersection of all the specified cutting planes to all children. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The cut geometries. The new cut geometries. The new original geometries. The original geometries. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the cutting planes. The cutting planes. The the intersection of all the cutting planes will be used to intersect/subtract (defined in all child visuals of the . Gets or sets a value indicating whether cutting is enabled. Gets or sets the cutting operation. The operation. Called when the composition target rendering event is raised. The sender. The instance containing the event data. Handles changes to the property. The sender. The instance containing the event data. Handles changes to the property. The sender. The instance containing the event data. Applies the cutting planes. Force the geometries to be updated if set to true. Applies the cutting planes to the model. The model. The transform. An update is required if set to true. No inverse transform. Intersects the specified source mesh geometry with the specified plane. The source. The inverse transform of the source. The plane. Cut with the complement set if set to true. The intersected geometry. A visual element that translates all children relative to the specified origin. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The original transforms. The actual expand origin. Gets or sets the origin of the expansion. The expand origin. Gets or sets the expansion factor. The expansion. Expands to the specified value. The value. The animation time. The expansion changed. The d. The event arguments. The expand. The expand. The model. The transformation. A visual element that transforms all child elements as an explosion. Identifies the dependency property. Called when the exploding state changed. Called when the exploding state changed. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is exploding. true if this instance is exploding; otherwise, false. A visual element that shows a model loaded from a file. Supported file formats: .3ds .obj .lwo .stl .off Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The model loaded event. Occurs when the model has been loaded. Gets or sets the default material. The default material. Gets or sets the source file name. The source file name. The source changed. The sender. The args. Called when the model has been loaded. Called when the source or default material changed. A visual element that shows a model for the specified light. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the light. The light. The light changed. The obj. The args. Called when the light changed. A visual element that shows the normals of the specified mesh geometry. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the color of the normals. The color. Gets or sets the diameter of the normal arrows. The diameter. Gets or sets the mesh. The mesh. The mesh changed. The obj. The args. Updates the visuals. A visual element that shows Mesh3D meshes. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the edge diameter. The edge diameter. Gets or sets the edge material. The edge material. Gets or sets the face back material. The face back material. Gets or sets the face material. The face material. Gets or sets the mesh. The mesh. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to share vertices (smooth shading). true if vertices are shared; otherwise, false . Gets or sets the shrink factor. The shrink factor. Gets or sets the mapping from triangle index to face index. The index mapping. Gets or sets the vertex material. The vertex material. Gets or sets the vertex radius. The vertex radius. Gets or sets the vertex resolution (number of subdivisions). The vertex resolution. The mesh changed. The obj. The args. Updates the visuals. A visual element that shows a panorama cube or a skybox. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The visual child. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [auto center]. true if [auto center]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show seams. Gets or sets the size of the cube. The size. Gets or sets the panorama/skybox directory or file prefix. If a directory is specified, the filename prefix will be set to "cube". If the filename prefix is "cube", the faces of the cube should be named cube_f.jpg cube_b.jpg cube_l.jpg cube_r.jpg cube_u.jpg cube_d.jpg The source. The source changed. The obj. The args. The geometry changed. The d. The event arguments. The add cube side. The normal. The up. The file name. The update model. Provides an abstract base class for ModelVisual3D objects that listens to the CompositionTarget.Rendering event. The RenderingEventManager is used to ensure a weak reference to CompositionTargetRendering. The rendering event listener Initializes a new instance of the class. Subscribes to CompositionTarget.Rendering event. Unsubscribes the CompositionTarget.Rendering event. Handles the CompositionTarget.Rendering event. The sender. The instance containing the event data. Specifies the sorting method for the SortingVisual3D. Sort on the distance from camera to bounding box center. Sort on the minimum distance from camera to bounding box corners. Sort on the minimum distance from camera to bounding sphere surface. A visual element that sorts the children by distance from camera. The children are sorted by the distance to the camera position. This will not always work when you have overlapping objects. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The start tick. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to check if there are opaque child visuals. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is being sorted. When the visual is removed from the Viewport3D, this property should be set to false to unsubscribe the rendering event. Gets or sets the sorting method. The method. Gets or sets the sorting frequency (Hz). The sorting frequency. The composition target_ rendering. The sender. The event arguments. The is sorting changed. The sender. The event arguments. Gets the distance from the camera for the specified visual. The visual. The camera position. The total transform of the visual. The camera distance. Determines if the specified visual is transparent. The visual. True if the visual is transparent. The on is sorting changed. The sort children. A visual element that shows a vector field. The model. The body geometry. The head geometry. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the diameter. The diameter. Gets or sets the directions. The directions. Gets or sets the fill. The fill. Gets or sets the length of the head. The length of the head. Gets or sets the positions. The positions. Gets or sets the number of divisions of the arrows. The theta div. Updates the model. The create body transform. The p. The z. The create head transform. The p. The z. The create geometry. A visual element that shows a view cube. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Set or Get if view cube edge clickable. Identifies the dependency property. The normal vectors. The up vectors. Initializes a new instance of the class. Occurs when a face has been clicked on. Gets or sets the back text. The back text. Gets or sets the bottom text. The bottom text. Gets or sets the center. The center. Gets or sets the front text. The front text. Gets or sets the left text. The left text. Gets or sets the model up direction. The model up direction. Gets or sets the right text. The right text. Gets or sets the size. The size. Gets or sets the top text. The top text. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the view cube is enabled. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the top and bottom views are oriented to front and back. Gets or sets the viewport that is being controlled by the view cube. The viewport. Raises the Clicked event. The look direction. Up direction. The VisualModel property changed. The sender. The event arguments. Updates the visuals. Adds a cube face. The normal. The up vector. The brush. The text. Handles left clicks on the view cube. The sender. The event arguments. Provides event data for the Clicked event. Gets or sets the look direction. The look direction. Gets or sets up direction. Up direction. A visual element that contains a light model containing 4 directional lights. Adds the lights to the element. The light group. Represents a directional head light. Provides a base class for lights that operates in camera space. The light type. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The light The camera Gets or sets the brightness of the headlight. If set, this property overrides the property. The brightness. Gets or sets the color of the headlight. This property is used if is set to NaN. The color. Gets or sets the position of the headlight (in camera space). The position. Called when the parent of the 3-D visual object is changed. A value of type that represents the previous parent of the object. If the object did not have a previous parent, the value of the parameter is null. Adds the lights to the element. The light group. Updates the light. The sender. The instance containing the event data. Handles changes to the camera. The sender. The instance containing the event data. Updates this instance. An abstract base class for light models. Identifies the dependency property. The light group. The lights visual. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show light visuals. The setup changed. The sender. The event arguments. Adds the lights to the element. The light group. Handles changes to the light setup. Called when show lights is changed. The show lights changed. The sender. The event arguments. Represents a spot headlight. A visual element that contains a "sunlight" light model. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The altitude axis. The azimuth axis. Gets or sets the altitude angle (degrees). The altitude. Gets or sets the ambient lightness. The ambient. Gets or sets the azimuth angle (degrees). The azimuth. Gets or sets the brightness. The brightness. Adds the lights to the element. The light group. A visual element that contains a three point light setup. See http://www.3drender.com/light/3point.html Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the distance. The distance. Gets or sets the fill light angle. The fill light angle. Gets or sets the fill light side angle. The fill light side angle. Gets or sets the front direction. The front direction. Gets or sets the key light angle. The key light angle. Gets or sets the key light brightness. The key light brightness. Gets or sets the key light side angle. The key light side angle. Gets or sets the key to fill light ratio. The key to fill light ratio. Gets or sets the key to rim light ratio. The key to rim light ratio. Gets or sets the rim light angle. The rim light angle. Gets or sets the target. The target. Gets or sets up direction. Up direction. Adds the lights to the element. The light group. Represents a visual element containing a manipulator that can rotate around an axis. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The last point. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the rotation axis. The axis. Gets or sets the diameter. The diameter. Gets or sets the inner diameter. The inner diameter. Gets or sets the length of the cylinder. The length. Gets or sets the pivot point of the manipulator. The position. Gets or sets the internal pivot point. Updates the geometry. Invoked when an unhandled  attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. The that contains the event data. This event data reports details about the mouse button that was pressed and the handled state. Invoked when an unhandled  attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. The that contains the event data. Handles changes in the Position property. The instance containing the event data. Updates the target transform by the change in rotation value. The instance containing the event data. Represents a visual element that contains a manipulator that can translate along an axis. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The last point. Gets or sets the diameter of the manipulator arrow. The diameter. Gets or sets the direction of the translation. The direction. Gets or sets the length of the manipulator arrow. The length. Updates the geometry. Invoked when an unhandled  attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. The that contains the event data. This event data reports details about the mouse button that was pressed and the handled state. Invoked when an unhandled  attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. The that contains the event data. Updates the position and the TargetTransform. The instance containing the event data. Moves the Manipulator position by the change in value along the direction vector. The instance containing the event data. Gets the nearest point on the translation axis. The position (in screen coordinates). The hit plane origin (world coordinate system). The hit plane normal (world coordinate system). The nearest point (world coordinates) or null if no point could be found. Represents a visual element that shows translation and rotation manipulators. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The rotate x manipulator. The rotate y manipulator. The rotate z manipulator. The translate x manipulator. The translate y manipulator. The translate z manipulator. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance can rotate X. true if this instance can rotate X; otherwise, false . Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance can rotate Y. true if this instance can rotate Y; otherwise, false . Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance can rotate Z. true if this instance can rotate Z; otherwise, false . Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance can translate X. true if this instance can translate X; otherwise, false . Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance can translate Y. true if this instance can translate Y; otherwise, false . Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance can translate Z. true if this instance can translate Z; otherwise, false . Gets or sets the diameter. The diameter. Gets or sets the offset of the visual (this vector is added to the Position point). The offset. Gets or sets the pivot point of the manipulator. The position. Gets or sets the position of the manipulator. The position. Gets or sets the target transform. The target transform. Binds this manipulator to a given Visual3D. Source Visual3D which receives the manipulator transforms. Releases the binding of this manipulator. Updates the child visuals. Handles changes in properties related to the child visuals. The d. The event arguments. Provides an abstract base class for manipulators. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the color of the manipulator. The color. Gets or sets the material of the manipulator. Gets or sets the back material of the manipulator. Gets or sets the offset of the visual (this vector is added to the Position point). The offset. Gets or sets the position of the manipulator. The position. Gets or sets the target transform. Gets or sets the manipulator value. The value. Gets or sets the camera. Gets or sets the hit plane normal. Gets or sets the model. Gets or sets the parent viewport. Binds this manipulator to a given Visual3D. Source Visual3D which receives the manipulator transforms. Releases the binding of this manipulator. Called when a property related to the geometry is changed. The sender. The instance containing the event data. Projects the point on the hit plane. The p. The hit Plane Origin. The hit plane normal (world coordinate system). The point in world coordinates. Updates the geometry. Invoked when an unhandled  attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. The that contains the event data. This event data reports details about the mouse button that was pressed and the handled state. Invoked when an unhandled  routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. The that contains the event data. The event data reports that the mouse button was released. Handles changes in the Position property. The instance containing the event data. Handles changes in the Value property. The instance containing the event data. Transforms from world to local coordinates. The point (world coordinates). Transformed vector (local coordinates). Transforms from local to world coordinates. The point (local coordinates). Transformed point (world coordinates). Transforms from local to world coordinates. The vector (local coordinates). Transformed vector (world coordinates). Handles changes in the Color property (this will override the materials). Represents a visual element containing a manipulator that can rotate around an axis. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The last point. Gets or sets the rotation axis. The axis. Gets or sets the outer diameter of the manipulator. The outer diameter. Gets or sets the inner diameter of the manipulator. The inner diameter. Gets or sets the length (thickness) of the manipulator. The length. Gets or sets the pivot point of the manipulator. The position. Updates the geometry. Invoked when an unhandled  attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. The that contains the event data. This event data reports details about the mouse button that was pressed and the handled state. Invoked when an unhandled  attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. The that contains the event data. Represents a visual element that contains a manipulator that can translate along an axis. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The last point. Gets or sets the diameter of the manipulator arrow. The diameter. Gets or sets the direction of the translation. The direction. Gets or sets the length of the manipulator arrow. The length. Updates the geometry. Invoked when an unhandled  attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. The that contains the event data. This event data reports details about the mouse button that was pressed and the handled state. Invoked when an unhandled  attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. The that contains the event data. Gets the nearest point on the translation axis. The position (in screen coordinates). The hit plane origin (world coordinate system). The hit plane normal (world coordinate system). The nearest point (world coordinates) or null if no point could be found. A visual element that shows an arrow. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the diameter. The diameter. Gets or sets the direction. The direction. Gets or sets the length of the head (relative to diameter of the arrow cylinder). The length of the head relative to the diameter. Gets or sets the origin. The origin. Gets or sets the start point of the arrow. The start point. Gets or sets the end point of the arrow. The end point. Gets or sets the number of divisions around the arrow. The number of divisions. Do the tessellation and return the . A triangular mesh geometry. A visual element that renders a box. The box is aligned with the local X, Y and Z coordinate system Use a transform to orient the box in other directions. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to include the bottom face. Gets or sets the center of the box. The center. Gets or sets the height (along local z-axis). The height. Gets or sets the length of the box (along local x-axis). The length. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to include the top face. Gets or sets the width of the box (along local y-axis). The width. Do the tessellation and return the . The mesh geometry. A visual element that displays a cube. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the center of the cube. The center. Gets or sets the length of the cube sides. The length of the sides. Do the tessellation and return the . The mesh geometry. A visual element that shows an axis aligned ellipsoid. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the center of the ellipsoid (this will set the transform of the element). The center. Gets or sets the number of divisions in the phi direction (from "top" to "bottom"). The number of divisions. Gets or sets the X equatorial radius of the ellipsoid. The radius. Gets or sets the Y equatorial radius of the ellipsoid. The radius. Gets or sets the polar radius of the ellipsoid. The radius. Gets or sets the number of divisions in the theta direction (around the sphere). The number of divisions. Do the tessellation and return the . A triangular mesh geometry. A visual element that extrudes a section along a path. The implementation will not work well if there are sharp bends in the path. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the diameters along the path. The diameters. Gets or sets the diameters along the path. The diameters. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the path is closed. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the section is closed. Gets or sets the path. The path. Gets or sets the section. The section. Gets or sets the initial alignment of the x-axis of the section into the 3D viewport. The section. Gets or sets the texture coordinates along the path (X only). The texture coordinates. Do the tessellation and return the . A triangular mesh geometry. A visual element that shows a set of grid lines. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The length direction. The width direction. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the center of the grid. The center. Gets or sets the length of the grid area. The length. Gets or sets the length direction of the grid. The length direction. Gets or sets the distance between major grid lines. The distance. Gets or sets the distance between minor grid lines. The distance. Gets or sets the normal vector of the grid plane. The normal. Gets or sets the thickness of the grid lines. The thickness. Gets or sets the width of the grid area (perpendicular to the length direction). The width. Do the tessellation and return the . A triangular mesh geometry. Determines whether y is a multiple of d. The y. The d. The is multiple of. The add line x. The mesh. The x. The min y. The max y. The thickness. The add line y. The mesh. The y. The min x. The max x. The thickness. Gets a point on the plane. The x coordinate. The y coordinate. A . A visual element that shows a helix. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helix A helix (pl: helixes or helices) is a type of space curve, i.e. a smooth curve in three-dimensional space. It is characterised by the fact that the tangent line at any point makes a constant angle with a fixed line called the axis. Examples of helixes are coil springs and the handrails of spiral staircases. A "filled-in" helix – for example, a spiral ramp – is called a helicoid. Helices are important in biology, as the DNA molecule is formed as two intertwined helices, and many proteins have helical substructures, known as alpha helices. The word helix comes from the Greek word ἕλιξ. Gets or sets the origin. The origin. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the diameter. The diameter. Gets or sets the length. The length. Gets or sets the phase. The phase. Gets or sets the radius. The radius. Gets or sets the number of turns. The turns. Evaluates the surface. The u parameter. The v parameter. The texture coordinate. The evaluated . Represents a base class for elements that contain one and front and back s. Derived classes should override the Tessellate method to generate the geometry. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The visibility property. A flag that is set when the element is in editing mode (, and ). A flag that is set when the geometry is changed. A flag that is set when the material is changed. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the back material. The back material. Gets or sets the fill brush. This brush will be used for both the Material and BackMaterial. The fill brush. Gets or sets the material. The material. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is visible. true if the element is visible; otherwise, false. Gets the geometry model. The geometry model. Begins an edit on the object. Discards changes since the last call. Pushes changes since the last or call into the underlying object. Forces an update of the geometry and materials. The visible flag changed. The d. The event arguments. The geometry was changed. The d. The event arguments. The Material or BackMaterial property was changed. The d. The event arguments. The Fill property was changed. Handles changes in geometry or visible state. Handles changes in material/back material. Do the tessellation and return the . A triangular mesh geometry. Called when Fill is changed. The mesh element. The event arguments. A visual element that can be bound to a . Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the defining the shape of the visual. Do the tessellation and return the . A triangular mesh geometry. Provides a base class for parametric surfaces evaluated on a rectangular mesh. Override the Evaluate method to define the points. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the mesh size in u-direction. The mesh size U. Gets or sets the mesh size in v-direction. The mesh size V. Evaluates the surface at the specified u,v parameters. The u parameter. The v parameter. The texture coordinates. The evaluated . Do the tessellation and return the . A triangular mesh geometry. The add triangle. The mesh. The i 1. The i 2. The i 3. Determines whether the specified point is defined. The point. The is defined. Renders a simple particle system within the limitations of WPF. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The degrees to radians conversion factor. Two PI The random number generator. The number of opacity levels The stopwatch that measures the time. The mesh containing the particles quads. The model containing the particle mesh The particles The accumulated number of particles to emit. A particle is emitted when this number is greater than 1. The previous time. The camera. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the number of alive particles. The alive particles. Gets or sets the position. The position. Gets or sets the start direction. The start direction. Gets or sets the acceleration. The acceleration. Gets or sets the acceleration direction. The acceleration direction. Gets or sets the acceleration spreading angle. The acceleration spreading. Gets or sets the start radius. The start radius. Gets or sets the start size. The start size. Gets or sets the start velocity. The start velocity. Gets or sets the velocity damping factor. The velocity damping. Gets or sets the start velocity randomness. The start velocity randomness. Gets or sets the start spreading. The start spreading. Gets or sets the life time. The life time. Gets or sets the angular velocity. The angular velocity. Gets or sets the size rate. The size rate. Gets or sets the fade out time. The fade out time. Gets or sets the emit rate. The emit rate. Gets or sets the texture. The texture. Updates the material when the texture changes. Called when the parent of the 3-D visual object is changed. A value of type that represents the previous parent of the object. If the object did not have a previous parent, the value of the parameter is null. Emits one particle. Updates the system. The time. Adjusts the length of the specified list. The type of the list elements. The list to change. Target length of the list. Creates a random vector. The direction. The spreading. The random vector. Handles the CompositionTarget.Rendering event. The sender. The instance containing the event data. Represents a particle. Gets or sets the position of the particle. The position. Gets or sets the velocity of the particle. The velocity. Gets or sets the 2D rotation of the rendered particle texture. The rotation. Gets or sets the size of the particle. The size. Gets or sets the age of the particle. The age. A visual element that shows a flat pie slice defined by center, normal, up vectors, inner and outer radius, start and end angles. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the center. The center. Gets or sets the end angle. The end angle. Gets or sets the inner radius. The inner radius. Gets or sets the normal. The normal. Gets or sets the outer radius. The outer radius. Gets or sets the start angle. The start angle. Gets or sets the number of angular divisions of the slice. The theta div. Gets or sets up vector. Up vector. Do the tessellation and return the . A triangular mesh geometry. A visual element that shows a pipe between two points. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the (outer) diameter. The diameter. The default value is 1. Gets or sets the inner diameter. The inner diameter. The default value is 0. Gets or sets the start point. The start point. The default value is 0,0,0. Gets or sets the end point. The end point. The default value is 0,0,10. Gets or sets the theta div. The theta div. The default value is 36. Do the tessellation and return the . A triangular mesh geometry. A visual element that displays a quadrilateral polygon. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadrilateral Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the first point. The point1. Gets or sets the second point. The point2. Gets or sets the third point. The point3. Gets or sets the fourth point. The point4. Do the tessellation and return the . A triangular mesh geometry. A visual element that shows a 3D rectangle defined by origin, normal, length and width. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the number of divisions in the 'length' direction. The number of divisions. Gets or sets the number of divisions in the 'width' direction. The number of divisions. Gets or sets the length. The length. Gets or sets the length direction. The length direction. Gets or sets the normal vector of the plane. The normal. Gets or sets the center point of the plane. The origin. Gets or sets the width. The width. Do the tessellation and return the . A triangular mesh geometry. Coerces the division value. The sender. The base value. A value not less than 2. A visual element that shows a sphere defined by center and radius. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the center of the sphere. The center. Gets or sets the number of divisions in the phi direction (from "top" to "bottom"). The phi div. Gets or sets the radius of the sphere. The radius. Gets or sets the number of divisions in the theta direction (around the sphere). The theta div. Do the tessellation and return the . A triangular mesh geometry. A visual element that shows the Utah teapot test model. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the position. The position. Gets or sets the spout direction. The spout direction. Gets or sets up direction. Up direction. Do the tessellation and return the . A triangular mesh geometry. The transform changed. The sender. The event arguments. Called when the transform is changed. A visual element that shows a torus defined by two diameters (torus and it's tube). Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the (torus) diameter. The diameter. The default value is 3. Gets or sets the tube diameter. The tube diameter. The default value is 1. Gets or sets the UDiv. The UDiv. The default value is 36. Gets or sets the PhiDiv. The PhiDiv. The default value is 24. Do the tessellation and return the . A triangular mesh geometry. A visual element that shows a truncated cone defined by origin, height, normal, base- and top radius. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to include a base cap. Gets or sets the base radius. The base radius. Gets or sets the height. The height. Gets or sets the normal. The normal. Gets or sets the origin. The origin. Gets or sets the theta div. The theta div. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to include a top cap. Gets or sets the top radius. The top radius. Do the tessellation and return the . A triangular mesh geometry. A visual element that shows a tube along a specified path. The implementation will not work well if there are sharp bends in the path. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Initializes static members of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the diameter of the tube. The diameter of the tube. Gets or sets the number of divisions around the tube. The number of divisions. Gets or sets the create Caps indicator. True if Caps should be generated. The section changed. The sender. The event arguments. Updates the section. Do the tessellation and return the . A triangular mesh geometry. A visual element that contains a billboard (a quadrilateral that always faces camera). The size of the billboard is defined in screen space. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The builder. The is rendering flag. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the depth offset. The depth offset. Gets or sets the height. The height. Gets or sets the horizontal alignment. The horizontal alignment. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is being rendered. When the visual is removed from the visual tree, this property should be set to false. Gets or sets the material. The material. Gets or sets the position (center) of the billboard. The position. Gets or sets the vertical alignment. The vertical alignment. Gets or sets the width. The width. Gets or sets the mesh. Gets or sets the model. The on material changed. The geometry changed. The sender. The event arguments. The composition target_ rendering. The sender. The event arguments. Called when the parent of the 3-D visual object is changed. A value of type that represents the previous parent of the object. If the object did not have a previous parent, the value of the parameter is null. Updates the geometry. Updates the transforms. True if the transform is updated. The color changed. The sender. The event arguments. Called when geometry properties have changed. A visual element that shows a wireframe for the specified bounding box. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the bounding box. The bounding box. Updates the box. Called when the box dimensions changed. The sender. The event arguments. A visual element that contains a set of line segments. The thickness of the lines is defined in screen space. Identifies the dependency property. The builder. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the thickness of the lines. The thickness. Updates the geometry. Updates the transforms. True if the transform is updated. A visual element that contains a set of points. The size of the points is defined in screen space. Identifies the dependency property. The builder. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the size of the points. The size. Updates the geometry. Updates the transforms. True if the transform is updated. An abstract base class for visuals that use screen space dimensions when rendering. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The is rendering flag. The listening to collection Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the color. The color. Gets or sets the depth offset. A small positive number (0.0001) will move the visual slightly in front of other objects. The depth offset. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is being rendered. When the visual is removed from the visual tree, this property should be set to false. Gets or sets the points collection. The points collection. Gets or sets the clipping object. Gets or sets the mesh. Gets or sets the model. Called when geometry properties have changed. The sender. The instance containing the event data. Called when points have changed. The sender. The instance containing the event data. The composition target_ rendering. The sender. The event arguments. Called when the parent of the 3-D visual object is changed. A value of type that represents the previous parent of the object. If the object did not have a previous parent, the value of the parameter is null. Updates the geometry. Updates the transforms. True if the transform is updated. Changes the material when the color changed. The sender. The instance containing the event data. Handles changes in the collection. The sender. The event arguments. Changes the material when the color changed. Updates the clipping object. Represents a terrain model. Supports the following terrain file types .bt .btz Read .bt files from disk, keeps the model data and creates the Model3D. The .btz format is a gzip compressed version of the .bt format. Gets or sets the bottom. The bottom. Gets or sets the data. The data. Gets or sets the height. The height. Gets or sets the left. The left. Gets or sets the maximum Z. The maximum Z. Gets or sets the minimum Z. The minimum Z. Gets or sets the offset. The offset. Gets or sets the right. The right. Gets or sets the texture. The texture. Gets or sets the top. The top. Gets or sets the width. The width. Creates the 3D model of the terrain. The level of detail. The Model3D. Loads the specified file. The file name. Reads a .bt (Binary terrain) file. http://www.vterrain.org/Implementation/Formats/BT.html The stream. Reads the specified .bt terrain file. The file name. Read a gzipped .bt file. The source. A visual element that shows a terrain model. The following terrrain model file formats are supported: .bt .btz (gzip compressed .bt) The origin of model will be at the midpoint of the terrain. A compression method to convert from ".bt" to ".btz" can be found in the GZipHelper. Note that no LOD algorithm is implemented - this is for small terrains only... Identifies the dependency property. The visual child. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the source terrain file. The source. The source changed. The obj. The args. Updates the model. Terrain texture using a bitmap. Set the Left,Right,Bottom and Top coordinates to get the right alignment. Initializes a new instance of the class. The source. Gets or sets the bottom. The bottom. Gets or sets the left. The left. Gets or sets the right. The right. Gets or sets the top. The top. Calculates the texture of the specified model. The model. The mesh. Texture by the direction of the steepest gradient. Initializes a new instance of the class. The gradient steps. Gets or sets the brush. The brush. Calculates the texture of the specified model. The model. The mesh. Texture by the slope angle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The gradient steps. Gets or sets the brush. The brush. Calculates the texture for the specified model. The model. The mesh. A terrain texture base class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the material. The material. Gets or sets the texture coordinates. The texture coordinates. Calculates the texture of the specified model. The model. The mesh. A visual element that contains a collection of text billboards. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. The geometry builder. The billboard meshes. The pin meshes The is rendering flag. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the background. The background. Gets or sets the border brush. The border brush. Gets or sets a value indicating whether updating of this object is enabled. true if this object is enabled; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the pin brush. The pin brush. Gets or sets the width of the 'pin'. The width of the pin. You must set the Offset property for the pin to show up. Gets or sets the border thickness. The border thickness. Gets or sets the font family. The font family. Gets or sets the size of the font. The size of the font. Gets or sets the font weight. The font weight. Gets or sets the foreground brush. The foreground. Gets or sets the height factor. The height factor. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is being rendered. When the visual is removed from the visual tree, this property should be set to false. Gets or sets the items. The items. Gets or sets the padding. The padding. Gets or sets the offset of the billboard text (in screen coordinates). The offset. Handles the CompositionTarget.Rendering event. The sender. The instance containing the event data. Called when the parent of the 3-D visual object is changed. A value of type that represents the previous parent of the object. If the object did not have a previous parent, the value of the parameter is null. Updates the geometry. Updates the transforms. True if the transform is updated. The visual appearance changed. The d. The instance containing the event data. Creates the element for the specified text. The text. A FrameworkElement. Updates the visual appearance (texture and geometry). Represents a billboard text item. Gets or sets the depth offset. The depth offset. Gets or sets the depth offset in world coordinates. The depth offset. Defines the type of material. A diffuse material. An emissive material. A visual element that contains a text billboard. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the background. The background. Gets or sets the border brush. The border brush. Gets or sets the border thickness. The border thickness. Gets or sets the font family. The font family. Gets or sets the size of the font. The size of the font. Gets or sets the font weight. The font weight. Gets or sets the foreground brush. The foreground. Gets or sets the height factor. The height factor. Gets or sets the type of the material. The type of the material. Gets or sets the padding. The padding. Gets or sets the text. The text. The visual appearance changed. The d. The instance containing the event data. Updates the text block when the visual appearance changed. Represents a spatial text item. Gets or sets the text direction. The text direction. Gets or sets up direction. Up direction. Provides a visual element that shows a collection of text items. Set the property last to avoid multiple updates. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the background brush. The background. Gets or sets the border brush. The border brush. Gets or sets the border thickness. The border thickness. Gets or sets the font family. The font family. Gets or sets the size of the font (if not set, the Height property is used. The size of the font. Gets or sets the font weight. The font weight. Gets or sets the foreground (text) brush. The foreground brush. Gets or sets the height of the text. The text height. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this text visual is double sided. true if this instance is double sided; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text should be flipped (mirrored horizontally). This may be useful when using a mirror transform on the text visual. true if text is flipped; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the items. The items. Gets or sets the padding. The padding. Creates the text material. The items. The create element. The background. The element map. The element positions. A text material. Optimizes the size of a panel. The panel to optimize. The minimum width. The maximum width. The desired size. The visual changed. The d. The event arguments. Creates an element ( or wrapping a ) for the specified text. The text. A text block. Called when the visual changed. Provides a base class for text items. Gets or sets the horizontal alignment. The horizontal alignment. Gets or sets the position. The position. Gets or sets the text. The text. Gets or sets the vertical alignment. The vertical alignment. A visual element that shows text. Set the Text property last to avoid multiple updates. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text should be flipped (mirrored horizontally). This may be useful when using a mirror transform on the text visual. true if text is flipped; otherwise, false. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the background brush. The background. Gets or sets the border brush. The border brush. Gets or sets the border thickness. The border thickness. Gets or sets the font family. The font family. Gets or sets the size of the font (if not set, the Height property is used. The size of the font. Gets or sets the font weight. The font weight. Gets or sets the foreground (text) brush. The foreground brush. Gets or sets the height of the text. The text height. Gets or sets the horizontal alignment. The horizontal alignment. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this text visual is double sided. true if this instance is double sided; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the padding. The padding. Gets or sets the position of the text. The position. Gets or sets the text. The text. Gets or sets the text direction. The direction. Gets or sets the up direction of the text. The up direction. Gets or sets the vertical alignment. The vertical alignment. The visual changed. The d. The event arguments. Called when the visual changed.